MC Ren didn't get much scenes and feel was unfair to him. Less D.O.C. just like MC Ren. And and no Ruthless vs Death Row beef like "Real Mfer G's" vs "Dre Day", etc. Dre beating on women......that's make it seems look worse that he refused to acknowledging it.
it all blew up in his face when michel'le put her movie out.
jerry heller got the last laugh from the grave.
It all comes down to what will make the movie more entertaining... and how many real life events can they fit in the movie
I would rather see a scene in the movie of Eazy E shooting his girlfriends car than Dre beating up Dee Barnes

shooting aimlessly at a car on some "get out of here" type chit >>>> dr dre shooting a gun at michelle's face
you made this thread about how real this movie supposedly is, but when we post real stuff, you back-peddle away from all of it.
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