Whatever goodwill they’ve done this election cycle will be wiped out in 4 years if they nix that student loan shyt
Mafukkas wouldn’t vote for republicans but people would stay home.
He saw opportunities. He's an opportunist.Look at this muthafukka all of a sudden trying to save face after that terrorist attack he helped flame.
If it’s 450 left and we only using 250, why don’t we increase that 600 a bit more and make it an even 7, maybe 8. It’s been rough out here, don’t forget about out frontline workers, break them off a piece tooThe $600 boost costs $250 billion. There's $450 billy left in unused CARES Act funds with the Fed. Do it Biden!
I don't get UI but my sister who lives with me does and I want half got dammit.
600 doesn’t make as much sense now. We do have a vaccine now. Presumably they are hoping to tide people over until the mass vaccinations start so it will probably be 400-450.$600 a week after taxes is a little over $2K a month. I bet if they pass that, that will be their targeted $2k a month recurring that Dem senators were pushing in June. $2K a month in form of UI/PUA not $2k a month for everybody and they mama.
600 doesn’t make as much sense now. We do have a vaccine now. Presumably they are hoping to tide people over until the mass vaccinations start so it will probably be 400-450.
But they will focus on shoring up state budgets and infrastructure