He knows very little of anything outside of the nba but he works his ass off and also knew how to create a character/brand
I remember him first from inside the Nba when it was just Peter Vescey Ernie and Charles and he was just a dude who gave inside info and that was it
Obviously media has changed and it’s now about being a character and personality more then anything else and he’s taken advantage of that as much as anyone outside of Skip
I think it really was Skip that helped him with that. When he was first coming on First Take, he'd look at Skip like he was retarded, kill all his points easily, and never raise his voice
Couple weeks of special guest, and he suddenly starts playing to Skip, making faces, memes, bringing in props, getting loud, making just enough points to make it a good argument, without killing it completely
Next thing you know he's added as the second guy and the rest is history. Since Max has been on, you can see Max leaning more towards WWE shyt now with his antics... And SAS surprisingly isn't as wild and crazy as he was with Skip
I think they found their perfect pairing with these two between knowledge and pure fukkery for ratings