Steph has basically solidified his place as the best shooter of all time and 2nd best PG of all time. He's a talent the game has never seen before and might not ever see again and people STILL out here calling him a system roleplayer???
Still calling him a 2nd fiddle backup like he isn't the sole reason the Warriors went from one of the league's most pathetic and embarrassing franchises to a dynasty???????

Curry had literally the best offensive season in the entire history of the NBA last year (2016) en route to becoming the league's first ever unanimous MVP. He'll go down as one of the best to ever play basketball. Dumbass Bron stans who can't live with themselves now that the Warriors have stolen his time in the spotlight and idiot haters can continue throwing worthless shyt at the wall to try and discredit him as much as y'all like but I'll tell you what: there ain't a dumber fukking hill to die on nor a WOATer trash ass opinion to stake some sort of desperate internet attention-seeking claim on. Enjoy and appreciate greatness while it's happening; because you'll definitely end up regretting it 10-20 years from now when it's long since come and gone.