This is the result of a right wing oligarchy. They are anti-enlightment in the sense they are rejecting the sentiment of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" and the liberalization of society, on paper, and the ideas equality and equal rights to large segments of society.
They truly believe some people are worthy of full participation in society and all it's rewards and some people are literal garbage who are barely worthy of life. This was the way of life in pre-enlightenment Europe and a sentiment that has never left European culture. The peasant classes who provide no value besides being worker cogs to move around at the elites will are not worth spending tax money educating, protecting, or in this case basic medical care. Why spend millions on vaccination programs on the garbage of the human race? Trust these people and the politicians who supported this are getting all the vaccines and their kids too. They aren't living how they are speaking.
It's not just this, you're seeing it elsewhere. All the things we have grown up to view as a public good is being targeted for elimination or profiteering while being less in quality. Health care in general right now is being targeted by private equity and becoming even shyttier as a result while getting more expensive. Can't buy a house because private capital is buying them all up. At some point the only people who will own home are billion dollar corps who you can rent them from. They want to make education less accessible to the lower classes until eventually only the wealthy and well to do minority can get a good quality education
Edit: to add to the first paragraph, they even have an ideology called "dark enlightment" that a lot of these far right people follow. They are anti all the ideas of the enlightment period and want to revert.