Someone get Juvie on the phone.
I'm tryna figure out why.
Like. Maybe Elon Musk wants to experiment with different viruses and send waves of different strains until the only people left are naturally super immune. But he can't have modern health care get in the way. SOHH they do all this elaborate psy op shyt to make people think medicine is bad...?
Some kinda plot has to be afoot tho. Why are modern people suddenly turning their backs on thousands of years of scientific advancement?
Fundamentally, I believe progress and science are occurring too fast for the average person to understand so people are rejecting it. And because people are motivated by profit and not true enlightenment, it's creating a rot in our institutions that people are beginning to not trust those institutions; ironically they trust money.
If you put the population in such a state of uneducated disarray, it's easier to calcify authoritarianism.
I really think society all over the world is about to fracture into people who reject science and reinvest in religious mysticism and people who worship at the alter of accelerationist capitalism.
Louisiana health officials 'shifting away' from policy of promoting COVID, flu vaccinations
State health officials say that Louisiana residents should decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated, especially for COVID-19 and influenza, breaking with broad vaccination campaigns at the agency in recent years and drawing rebukes from New Orleans officials and health
The reason why AmeriKKKa is so adamant about reinforcing Christianity on mass scale, is for its subjects to be more accepting of White Supremacy through conservatism.
AmeriKKKa is a Christian nation pretending to be secular for PR.
The Far Right ruling class wants their subjects Christian and low educated, as it allows ppl to willingly descent into accepting authoritarianism.
In a 61% white nation where the ruling class is extremely racist white ppl, this means White Supremacist authoritarianism under the disguise and umbrella of Christianity.
(Modern reintroduction of old conditions:colonialism & slavery)![]()
True secularization by design leads to oppressive systems being removed, human rights like abortion and LGBT rights to get support.
Far Right White Supremacists know very well that to gain support for their White Supremacist agenda, they just gotta point at vulnerable rights of LGBT ppl, women and immigrants.
As Christianity has ingrained misogyny that covers support across the board for their attacks on women’s rights and LGBT rights.
And tapping into xenophobia covers them from blame across the board by sayin the old racist trope “immigrants are taking your jobs.”
This way they got the social and economic narrative on lock,
and they can freely continue to push white supremacist key players in position that get white supremacist laws passed.
Liberals are centrist, incorrectly labeled as Left-wing.
It will take bold Left-wing politics for Liberals to change structures.
The Far Right knows this, so they use Fear to slander any Left-wing politics by labeling it as Extremism and Agendas.
To protect and keep the public’s Centrist sentiment status quo as their opponent, as it favors their position.
Liberal voters that want Left-wing benefits, haven’t come to term with this being the reality of American politics. That’s why those ppl stay disappointed when “nothing changes” while that’s literally what Centrism (Liberals) is designed to do, protect the status quo.
Liberal voters can’t have Left-wing desires, but turn full-blown
Far Right when others benefit from those Left-wing politics too
and then complain about Liberals (Centrists) not doing anything.
When their inconsistency RIGHT THERE is the exact Centrism
they COMPLAIN about not changing the status quo they desire.
Lack of class consciousness is a big issue enabling the status quo.
The Black Panthers were Black radical Leftists.
So to see Black ppl that proudly indulge in Koonservatism,
praise them.. let’s me know they don’t know their politics and history.
I hope law upholds, but I feel like the interpretation of the law will be solely left to the will and disposition of the few in the near future.The fact that vaccine suggestions were called "paternalistic" instead of informative is revealing. Any doctor's advice could be "paternalistic" depending on your interpretation, it does not change the facts.
And the fact that it seems that the policy exists but somehow won't be put in writing seems like they are inviting lawyers to step in and force the governor's hand.
Fundamentally, I believe progress and science are occurring too fast for the average person to understand so people are rejecting it. And because people are motivated by profit and not true enlightenment, it's creating a rot in our institutions that people are beginning to not trust those institutions; ironically they trust money.
If you put the population in such a state of uneducated disarray, it's easier to calcify authoritarianism.
I really think society all over the world is about to fracture into people who reject science and reinvest in religious mysticism and people who worship at the alter of accelerationist capitalism.
I think Americans are just dumb, entitled, and don't like being told what to doFundamentally, I believe progress and science are occurring too fast for the average person to understand so people are rejecting it. And because people are motivated by profit and not true enlightenment, it's creating a rot in our institutions that people are beginning to not trust those institutions; ironically they trust money.
If you put the population in such a state of uneducated disarray, it's easier to calcify authoritarianism.
I really think society all over the world is about to fracture into people who reject science and reinvest in religious mysticism and people who worship at the alter of accelerationist capitalism.
I agree the country is dumb, entitled, and don't like being told what to do, but it depends on what the AI is used for.I think Americans are just dumb, entitled, and don't like being told what to do
Because they not rejecting AI