lmao I don't think you need to qualify why Elden Ring was mid, it's the least inspired entry. I personally don't get the Starfield hype because I haven't heard of anything that fleshes out the world. The quotes from Todd Howard and Bethesda like: 'Han Solo simulator' and 'Skyrim in space' don't grab my attention. I remember being a kid that was insanely hyped for Skyrim based on a game informer article describing how the dark brotherhood quest line started. I feel like I don't really know anything substantive about Starfield, so it's gonna be sink or swim like Cyberpunk.
Trying to talk me into getting a refund?

I’m just impatient in general, so mainly it was not wanting to wait 5 more days and seeing other people play, and that combined with the hype, I had to pull the trigger.
As for it looking like Skyrim with guns and space, and it not being that appealing, I agree. Theres a lack of detail in that video with the hatchet not actually dismembering the NPC, and the shooting/gunplay looking a little too basic and previous gen like.
I think a game where your choices actually affect the storyline are almost always interesting. The little I remember from playing Fable, and recently The Outerworlds, though the plot might’ve not been captivating, it was fun. I expect with it being Bethesda and it having Microsoft’s full weight behind it, it would have a deep and dynamic storyline (somewhere in this thread someone posted that Skyrim had ~60k dialogue lines, and Starfield has ~400k)
I didn’t know this game existed until 2 weeks ago so I don’t have 5 years worth of hype and expectations to live up to like other people might, but I think it’s a game I could throw a lot of time into and there haven’t been many next gen games like that