I think reason why they wanted to do musical chairs director is because of money and cheaper. JJ is an expensive hire and getting him to write a trilogy was probably not in Kennedy "Money over Fist" prerogative.From everything I read they wanted to rush it out. That.... never works. J.J. was the right guy because he does some wild things with practical effects and if you want somebody to make a nice safe opening movie with a couple twists and "big ideas"... that is his M.O.
But if J.J. wasn't going to do the entire trilogy then they obviously did need a Feige type of central figure who could have directors progress to a natural conclusion.
I don't know if any of this is going to feel organic once we reach the end...
What I don't understand is why Kennedy let them write individual movies of a trilogy. Especially, a no name director like Johnson.
The sad thing about Johnson is that he wrote a story meant for executives/producers that have zero idea about universe. They ate it up look a fool to a con man. You'd think Disney would have someone with passion about the franchise to be in charge of it.
It's probably why minds like Feige And Lucas are rare in Hollywood . They aren't manufactured or work politics to get them in high powered positions. Feige was put in place long before Disney acquired Marvel. He was the Marvel supernerd. Lucas was entirely self made. Disney was only gonna hire a stooge that has no passion for the franchise.
It's deeply disappointing.