Abrams still ain't want no smoke, played it safe again, and went full fan service mode this movie.
Even an Ewok cameo?
Rey and Ren's kiss at the end.
Finn couldn't even get a kiss from the first order, defector sista, but was forced (no pun?) to kiss the asian woman in TLJ.
Thought JJ was going to look out for him.
Then we still getting this:
Rey in her skywalker flight helmet.
No need for Palpatine. Sh*t was overkill, but necessary because Ren's role as a villian was destroyed after Rey beat him in ep. 7. Snoke was dead in ep. 8. Guess JJ said sh*t, let's bring back Palp cuz ain't sh*t else left.
JJ didn't even give a f*ck about the red-head wannabe Tarkin. Revealed he was the spy and then got merked with a quickness.

Don't blame JJ for that, because dude was useless and ineffective this whole trilogy.
Rey Skywalker
Billy Dee.
All in all, the sh*t was

. Abrams focused on making everybody happy, going back down memory lane again, and holding hands.
Between RJ's abomination and JJ's constant rehashing, this franchise needs some creative talents at the helm.
Even the lukewarm Solo was better than this.
And Rogue One was the best movie in recent years. Sh*t still holds up.