I don't watch girls so I don't know what other factors you are basing your opinion on but anyone that can see his face can see a creep that could possibly be a pedophile![]()
As someone that does watch Girls, I thought he was a great choice day 1. By Hollywood standards, dude is big, like 6'3" and they constantly had dude doing sit-ups and pushups and gettin kinda swoll. With a good trainer dude could easily be physically menacing. They also make him a contrast to the other characters. He has no problem dropping ether and gettin loud in that angry white dude way. His walk always trips me out too. I used to say he was like some big ass slee-stak(for those that watched OG Land of the Lost). You just knew it was him in the first Force Awakens teaser because of that walk. Perfect dude to play a villain.