Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


Jun 4, 2012
Just found Kylo Ren and Rey at Wal-Mart. Next time it's gonna be Captain Phasma and Constable Zuvio. Feels great buying action figures again. Got the main four tho


Location: Under Your Skin
May 13, 2012
Under Your Skin
JJ said sometime in fall :yeshrug:
The toys in the mean time :wow:

Not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one.

For me, this movie went from a Thursday night early screening, to waiting a couple of days to see what the critics say.


May 12, 2012
at risk of sounding like a woman - BB-8 is so goddamn adorable, i almost hope he's a nuke that kills like 3 of the main good guys so everyone who runs out and buys his figure sits there like :ohhh::huhldup::scust:

... that being said, give me all of the goddamn BB-8 merch


Jul 6, 2014
Only things that's similar is that they're both desert planets. That's like saying why does New Mexico look so much like Arizona. The Jakku location isn't a leak. Disney has already given that info out officially.

In the Star Wars comic books that have been released this year, (which are considered cannon by Lucasfilm, meaning the story in the comics is tied into the actual movies) Han Solo's ex-wife is black. You can argue that Finn doesn't look biracial, but keep in mind Han also hangs out with a 7 ft walking dog that only communicates by barking, so Finn not being lightskinned enough isn't necessarily the most outlandish thing to digest in this series.

Fam, going off your logic Rey and Finn aren't offspring of anybody. We don't know what went down after ROTJ yet. We do know that in this move, Han and Leia haven't seen each other in years, and are on bad terms. It's very plausible than Han linked back up with Sana between Episode's 6 and 7. Nobody is suggesting that Han had a son before Episode 4.

JJ Abrams himself has said both Rey and Finn's last names have intentionally not been revealed yet to avoid spoilers. This clearly proves that both are related to existing characters. Finn IS related to someone.

Before you try to suggest Finn is related to either Lando or Mace Windau, keep in mind that in the leaked concept art that was drawn based on the screenplay, Finn was a white guy. John Boygea beat out three white actors for the role. Finn was not written as a black character.

Also, based on the spoilers,

Between the scenes at Maz's planet, and the First Order's Castle, there's a scene where Han and Finn talk in depth about Finn's past, and grow extremely close because of the conversation.

The final scene was filmed on Skelling Island, where Rey and Luke were the only characters involved. That would suggest she may be related to Luke.

So with all this in mind, my prediction is:

Rey- Luke's daughter
Finn- Han and Sana's son
Kylo Ren- Han and Leia's son

:ehh: hopefully it's this

I was putting up Star Wars shyt up all day at the job. I can't front Kylo Ren got some swag to him.:smugfavre: That mask design.:whew:
Can't say the same for the actor playing him :skip: :scust:


Jul 6, 2014
I think the trailers are throwing us for a loop. this is what I think.


So I may be completely off with this but what if Boyega was actually a Jedi trained by Luke to go undercover and keep tabs on the The First Order.

What if his cover was blown or is close to being blown and he had to escape. Oscar Issac is actually there to to save him but is also undercover as a prisoner.

The escape goes bad and Finn ends up on Jakku and Oscar Issac ends up somewhere else.

I just don't see them making Finn be just a Storm Trooper that had a change of heart. I'm 90% sure he's a Jedi already trained under Luke. If he wasn't a Jedi, having him wield a lightsaber would be very strange. ( He's holding the lightsaber like he knows how to use it.)

I think the First Order is building an army of Dark Jedi/Sith and The Resistance is building an army of Jedi. Well not really an "army" but just rebuilding the two orders. Both sides knows whats going on but don't really know whats going on.

I think that Kylo Ren was ordered to fan out the Jedi and force them out to confront him but also has his own motives, possibly given to him by someone higher in power. But The Resistance is still laying low on their plans.

Stuff happens in the middle with Rey and Han and the gang....

At the end Finn has to expose himself to Kylo Ren and The First Order as a Jedi which blows the cover of the whole Jedi training operation that Luke has going on. Basically confirming the First Orders suspicion.

I think the final scene will be Finn about to engage multiple members of "The Knights of Ren" only to be saved by a group of Jedi that have come out of hiding.

At first I thought the big reveal was going to be Finn becoming or being trained to be a Jedi but after they released that clip and said nothing major has been revealed yet I think the big reveal will be Luke and the Jedi Temple in full effect and the Sith and Korriban or whatever sith planet to rebuild the old Sith is in full effect.

I don't think Rey is a solo Child. I think both Solo child's are Jedi's or are working for the Resistance. I think we will be introduced to the male in this movie and the female in the next movie.

I see a lot of people piecing things together from the trailers and I think JJ is too smart for that. He's the type of person that would go out of his way to make the trailers steer people into the wrong direction so that they are completely surprised when they actually see the movie.
This could be a really interesting way to go

Have you been following the spoilers?


Jul 6, 2014
The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack Arrives December 18
The complete score from the legendary John Williams is now available for pre-order!
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the stunning music of John Williams is returning to the big screen — and to your collection. is thrilled to announce that Williams’ soundtrack for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will hit stores on December 18, the same day as the movie’s release, and is now available for pre-order. Williams’ stirring, romantic compositions are a key component of the Star Wars saga, and among the most well-known music in film history. With new characters, worlds, and surprises on the horizon, the legacy of powerful, moving Star Wars music continues.
Stay tuned to for more on Star Wars: The Force Awakens! All Star Wars, all the time.

The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack Arrives December 18 |


Jul 6, 2014
spoilers from the new novel set after ROTJ that was just released

Star Wars: Aftermath: 10 important things we learned from the new book, and hints about Force Awakens

The "fleet admiral" may be del toro's character in episode VIII

Also there was this: :ohhh::dwillhuh::whoo::demonic:
"No Sith remains. And the lone Jedi that exists--the son of Anakin Skywalker--possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move towards the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our map was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the Galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water."
And this was decades before TFA so :ohhh:

"This is Leia Organa, last princess of Alderaan, former member of the Galactic Senate, and a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. I have a message for the galaxy. The grip of the Galactic Empire in our galaxy and its citizens is relinquished. The Death Star outside the forest moon of Endor is gone, and with it the Imperial leadership." Here the hologram changes to a sight all too familiar to Sinjir: The Death Star exploding in the sky above Endor.
"The tyrant Palpatine is dead. But the fight isn't over. The war goes on even as the Empire's power diminishes. But we are here for you. Know that wherever you are, no matter how far out in the Outer Rim you dwell, the New Republic is coming to help. Already, we've captured dozens of Imperial capital ships and Destroyers.-" now the image becomes three-dimensional footage of Imperials being led off a ship's ramp in cuffs.
"And in the months since the destruction of the Empire's dreaded battle station, we have already liberated countless planets in the name of the Alliance." A new image: rebels being greeted as saviors and liberators by a cheering crowd of--where is that? Naboo? Could be Naboo. Back to Leia: "Be patient. Be strong. Fight back where you can. The Imperial war machine falls apart one gear, one gun, one stormtrooper at a time. The New Republic is coming. And we want your help to finish the fight."
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Jun 4, 2012
Decided I'm gonna dress as Finn even tho I'm a cac. Gonna show up as Finn with my Blue Anakin lightsaber that glows n makes the sounds. fukkin fire