Star Wars TFA Was A Healthy Dose Of Bullshyt


May 1, 2012
Movie was absurd..... "Are you talking first? Or am I? Who’s supposed to talk first? Straight camby status

May 15, 2012
To be fair, the previous Star Wars explain that if you're strong in the force, you can do anything, the problem is awakening it, the title of the movie has been nailed in hard enough, if you didn't get that I understand, as many of the force powers in the universe tend to work out only in times of duress.

The OP's topic could be said about every Mary Sue in the history of Anime and videogames; Unknown hero-to-be is out on his luck, one day "dies" or has "true potential" unlocked and now he's flying and strong enough to cut through buildings. No one starts lvl 100, but movies, anime, and everything else, tend to try and rationalize the bullshyt.

Everything doesn't need to be a Rocky montage, nor should it be. Lucas handled that aspect quite easily, he took the anime route and made it so that if you're "Goku", then bytch it doesn't matter if you're 12 or 25, you can throw beams out of every orifice.

No they don't.

The force isn't a factor in any of the major events in the whole saga which is why Star Wars has always been trash lmao and is just brand marketing excuted at the highest level.

If it wasn't for Han Solo, look would've been shot down and never would've blown up the death star. What did the force have to do with that.

Luke goes to to save his friends because of a force vision, but ends getting his ass kicked and haven't do be saved. Not to mention if he never showed up at all his friends would've still escaped and he wouldn't have lost his hand.

In the third movie Luke is a jedi and tries to use jedi mind trick on Jabba and fails getting himself captured lol, escaping only by luck.

The whole final act in the Return of the Jedi shows non o the force users had any impact on anything that happened.

Lets say Luke was killed by Darth Vader or even decided to join the dark side and kill Vader. The shield generator would've still been destroyed and Lando would've still manage to blow up the darth star. All the sith would've been killed.

The whole act was merely to give vader a way to redeem hismelf,

Anakin in the prequels does nothing, but his kicked. There's nothing show casing why he would be the chosen one lmao or him being immensely powerful.

Phantom menace, he blows up a ship by luck, you can't see it was the force, he had no idea what he was doing, unlike Rey who magically knew how to pilot a spaceship like an expect.

The jedi are strong force users and get wiped out by an army of droids in episode II lmao. What's the point of training the force again, it's useless. Droids and clones can beat you.

Yoda loses a fight with an emperor and decides to quit for no logical reason and go into hiding lmao.

Obi wan takes luke away, but never thinks of training him or raising him to be a jedi lmao, it was never his intentions to train luke, if those droids never came he would've just died of old age and luke would've never knew anything about the force.

Star Wars has never made sense, it's dumb. Saturday Morning cartoon level dumb.

Let this shyt die already.
Sep 12, 2013
To be fair, the previous Star Wars explain that if you're strong in the force, you can do anything, the problem is awakening it, the title of the movie has been nailed in hard enough, if you didn't get that I understand, as many of the force powers in the universe tend to work out only in times of duress.

TFA's representation of the force was incredibly vague.

dare i suggest that the filmmakers don't understand what it is or what it's meant to symbolize, which is odd considering kasdan actually wrote the movie which introduced yoda.

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
No they don't.

The force isn't a factor in any of the major events in the whole saga which is why Star Wars has always been trash lmao and is just brand marketing excuted at the highest level.

If it wasn't for Han Solo, look would've been shot down and never would've blown up the death star. What did the force have to do with that.

Luke goes to to save his friends because of a force vision, but ends getting his ass kicked and haven't do be saved. Not to mention if he never showed up at all his friends would've still escaped and he wouldn't have lost his hand.

In the third movie Luke is a jedi and tries to use jedi mind trick on Jabba and fails getting himself captured lol, escaping only by luck.

The whole final act in the Return of the Jedi shows non o the force users had any impact on anything that happened.

Lets say Luke was killed by Darth Vader or even decided to join the dark side and kill Vader. The shield generator would've still been destroyed and Lando would've still manage to blow up the darth star. All the sith would've been killed.

The whole act was merely to give vader a way to redeem hismelf,

Anakin in the prequels does nothing, but his kicked. There's nothing show casing why he would be the chosen one lmao or him being immensely powerful.

Phantom menace, he blows up a ship by luck, you can't see it was the force, he had no idea what he was doing, unlike Rey who magically knew how to pilot a spaceship like an expect.

The jedi are strong force users and get wiped out by an army of droids in episode II lmao. What's the point of training the force again, it's useless. Droids and clones can beat you.

Yoda loses a fight with an emperor and decides to quit for no logical reason and go into hiding lmao.

Obi wan takes luke away, but never thinks of training him or raising him to be a jedi lmao, it was never his intentions to train luke, if those droids never came he would've just died of old age and luke would've never knew anything about the force.

Star Wars has never made sense, it's dumb. Saturday Morning cartoon level dumb.

Let this shyt die already.

Nerds got

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
No they don't.

The force isn't a factor in any of the major events in the whole saga which is why Star Wars has always been trash lmao and is just brand marketing excuted at the highest level.

If it wasn't for Han Solo, look would've been shot down and never would've blown up the death star. What did the force have to do with that.

Luke goes to to save his friends because of a force vision, but ends getting his ass kicked and haven't do be saved. Not to mention if he never showed up at all his friends would've still escaped and he wouldn't have lost his hand.

In the third movie Luke is a jedi and tries to use jedi mind trick on Jabba and fails getting himself captured lol, escaping only by luck.

The whole final act in the Return of the Jedi shows non o the force users had any impact on anything that happened.

Lets say Luke was killed by Darth Vader or even decided to join the dark side and kill Vader. The shield generator would've still been destroyed and Lando would've still manage to blow up the darth star. All the sith would've been killed.

The whole act was merely to give vader a way to redeem hismelf,

Anakin in the prequels does nothing, but his kicked. There's nothing show casing why he would be the chosen one lmao or him being immensely powerful.

Phantom menace, he blows up a ship by luck, you can't see it was the force, he had no idea what he was doing, unlike Rey who magically knew how to pilot a spaceship like an expect.

The jedi are strong force users and get wiped out by an army of droids in episode II lmao. What's the point of training the force again, it's useless. Droids and clones can beat you.

Yoda loses a fight with an emperor and decides to quit for no logical reason and go into hiding lmao.

Obi wan takes luke away, but never thinks of training him or raising him to be a jedi lmao, it was never his intentions to train luke, if those droids never came he would've just died of old age and luke would've never knew anything about the force.

Star Wars has never made sense, it's dumb. Saturday Morning cartoon level dumb.

Let this shyt die already.

Sep 12, 2013
If it wasn't for Han Solo, look would've been shot down and never would've blown up the death star. What did the force have to do with that.

"may the force be with you"

- han solo to luke right before the death star x-wing attack

han finally believed in something greater than himself. the force was acting through him.

Luke goes to to save his friends because of a force vision, but ends getting his ass kicked and haven't do be saved. Not to mention if he never showed up at all his friends would've still escaped and he wouldn't have lost his hand.

yoda tells luke not to go, that he should let his friends die if he believed in what they fought for. going to cloud city was luke's decision and his alone.

In the third movie Luke is a jedi and tries to use jedi mind trick on Jabba and fails getting himself captured lol, escaping only by luck.

i guess you didn't see him force choke those guards at the beginning.

luke was playing jabba.

The whole final act in the Return of the Jedi shows non o the force users had any impact on anything that happened.

Lets say Luke was killed by Darth Vader or even decided to join the dark side and kill Vader. The shield generator would've still been destroyed and Lando would've still manage to blow up the darth star. All the sith would've been killed.

The whole act was merely to give vader a way to redeem hismelf

"soon i'll be dead, and you with me"

- luke to the emperor

once again luke was acting alone and it had nothing to do with the rebellion. however if you ask me it's no coincidence that once anakin sees the light the devil is vanquished and the empire falls. whether everyone is aware of it or not, the battle for the galaxy is being decided in that throne room.

Anakin in the prequels does nothing, but his kicked. There's nothing show casing why he would be the chosen one lmao or him being immensely powerful.

Phantom menace, he blows up a ship by luck, you can't see it was the force, he had no idea what he was doing, unlike Rey who magically knew how to pilot a spaceship like an expect.

The jedi are strong force users and get wiped out by an army of droids in episode II lmao. What's the point of training the force again, it's useless. Droids and clones can beat you.

Yoda loses a fight with an emperor and decides to quit for no logical reason and go into hiding lmao.

Obi wan takes luke away, but never thinks of training him or raising him to be a jedi lmao, it was never his intentions to train luke, if those droids never came he would've just died of old age and luke would've never knew anything about the force.

prequel bullshyt
May 15, 2012
"may the force be with you"

- han solo to luke right before the death star x-wing attack

han finally believed in something greater than himself. the force was acting through him.

yoda tells luke not to go, that he should let his friends die if he believed in what they fought for. going to cloud city was luke's decision and his alone.

i guess you didn't see him force choke those guards at the beginning.

luke was playing jabba.

"soon i'll be dead, and you with me"

- luke to the emperor

once again luke was acting alone and it had nothing to do with the rebellion. however if you ask me it's no coincidence that once anakin sees the light the devil is vanquished and the empire falls. whether everyone is aware of it or not, the battle for the galaxy is being decided in that throne room.

prequel bullshyt

You didn't address the fact the force is useless throughout the entire trilogy.

Who cares about the force when you can blow up planets.

Once again Han doesn't use the force, everybody says may the force be with you in the original trilogy lmao. Han shytted on the force and it's never implied he can use the force. Vader should've used the force to dodge Han shooting him lmao, once again why is vader suppose to be powerful again.

Luke's mind trick is rendered useless by a fat blob, once again showing jedii powers are meaningless in the grand schemes.

The whole throne room scene is irrelevant from the fate of the galaxy, no matter what happens in that room the out come is the same.

The story is stupid, the excuses you make are mary sue level fabrications to justify what's not conveyed in the film.

The movies are trash, always have been always will be, get over it.
Sep 12, 2013
You didn't address the fact the force is useless throughout the entire trilogy.

Who cares about the force when you can blow up planets.

This is rather ignorant don't you think? What is a nuclear warhead compared to the power of God?

Wars have been fought for centuries, dynasties have emerged, empires have fallen... all in the name of God.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Dog shyt movie that only got good reviews because it was feminist friendly.

That's how you get good review nowadays, you have to kiss women's asses and appease all the feminists (including males) who write reviews on places like rotten tomatoes.

That Finn character was an embarrassment. I still remember seeing people cringe in the theater, watching that dude bumble around like a minstrel show.

Even the Asian guy sitting a seat over from me was like :huhldup: then looked at me like :francis: every time they had him doing some n***** shyt like drinking from the animal troth, getting his ass kicked, admitting he was a janitor etc.

Meanwhile you have all these in denial motherfukkers who want to deny it, but won't acknowledge the fact that all the racist "white genocide" comments and anger at a possible IR relationship were completely gone when the movie came out. You know why? Because they saw that bumbling minstrel show character and were like :ehh: we can tolerate this, no problem.