Pass me the rock nikka
Can’t only blame the agent. Yogi himself has to know shyt like thisnot sure what yogi ferrell is thinking going to sacramento. he'll have to compete w/ fox and mason at the PG spot and hield/bogdanovic/mclemore off the ball. Yes, the contract is worth more than the mavs deal, but in reality tthe change is minimal given the high California state taxes and high cost of living compared to having zero state income tax and much lower cost of living in texas. Not to mention being able to rejoin a team where you had a defined role and chemistry. Unless he somehow gets a chance to ball out in Sacramento, he fukked up his longer term money IMO.
EDIT: just calculated his taxes for a 3.1M per year average deal w/ Sac vs 2.65M per year on the Dal deal. If calculations are correct (using smartasset website), he will actually make LESS after-tax income on the Sac deal. ~ 1.64M after tax w/ Dal vs ~ 1.53 after tax w/ Sac, so definitely a dumb move to join Sac assuming he joined thinking that he was actually getting more money. His agent appears to be an idiot.
Dumb ass move but I guess he expects to be moved at some point anyway. Maybe he really didn’t like playing under Carslile