SPLIT Official Thread (Shamalamadingdong is back!)


May 7, 2012
Breh, there is no world in which the psychiatrist does not call the police to let them know of her concerns. Thats a responsibility of people who practice. If there is concern for imminent danger to life, like there was when before decided to go to the building, she has to call the police. And while the girls thought he was in the wrong car, no one screamed or tried to leave the car. Also, why did homegirl sit and listen to the story of the bad guy instead of just running when she had the chance, before he turned back into "The Beast." Why didn't the psychiatrist just say his full name if that was the trick to confusing him?Why did the old woman not just leave when she had the chance instead of opening the door. She knew something was going on and could have left then. Like so much illogical sh!t that I cannot count.
He sprayed them almost right after they said are you in thr wrong car . They had nothing to fear in the short time he got in the car . The main chick clearly had her own issues as the movie so we know why she didn't . She thought she could reach Kevin and didn't think he was a threat to himself or anyone else physically. We know what was really going on she thought he was trying to deal with the incident at his job where he was harassed . Kevin was her patient for along time she thought she could reach him . She had no reason to think he kidnapped 3 girls . Some of the stuff you say is illogical are only because you see everything. The girl didn't know what was going on with Kevin and once she said his name she thought he was ok until he turned back to hedwig and she was scared because she saw he was a murderer by that point . It's not as easy as you making it


May 7, 2012
Bret, u either a superhero movie or u not. I rock with SciFi movies, but this sh!t was a boring thriller the changed to SciFi for the last 30 minutes of film time. And setting all that aside, the movie did a terrible job of making us care for the main characters.

The whole plot relied on us caring that the girls survived the kidnapping. Then two of the girls are killed off as an afterthought. We are not even given a reason to care for the girls. We don't get a backstory, and they don't give more info about themselves during captivity. Just a bad bad movie, all the way around.
Huh according to who ? And it wasn't a superhero movie


Feb 11, 2014
So no ones going to mention the ass on Jessica Sula?

I'm mixed on it. I think it was interesting and a well thought out concept but something just feels missing or incomplete. Everyone's actions just didn't seem appropriate for the situations they were in.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Just got back.

Really enjoyed it.

The twist was so brilliant to me in execution and it's funny how for me it totally flipped the film on its head.

the twist of having the news footage and them nicknaming McAvoy the horde and the the pan to Bruce I geeked out.

The fact they made it basically an after credits scene in and of itself was brilliant because unbreakable was a comic film and this method is of course big in comic book films.

But it juxtaposed the entire film into being a comic book villain origin film.

It was so well executed and I did not see that coming at all.

The film goes to some VERY dark places.

McAvoy carries the film on his shoulders. It's amazing how he goes from innocent and goofy to downright menacing in an instant.

M.night is quietly rebuilding his image.



Great Value Man™
Nov 14, 2014
Just got back.

Really enjoyed it.

The twist was so brilliant to me in execution and it's funny how for me it totally flipped the film on its head.

the twist of having the news footage and them nicknaming McAvoy the horde and the the pan to Bruce I geeked out.

The fact they made it basically an after credits scene in and of itself was brilliant because unbreakable was a comic film and this method is of course big in comic book films.

But it juxtaposed the entire film into being a comic book villain origin film.

It was so well executed and I did not see that coming at all.

The film goes to some VERY dark places.

McAvoy carries the film on his shoulders. It's amazing how he goes from innocent and goofy to downright menacing in an instant.

M.night is quietly rebuilding his image.

That makes so much more sense now :ohhh:


All Star
May 22, 2012
still processing how much balls it takes to go out and create YOUR OWN comicbook universe right in the middle of the DC/Marvel war. and this shyt is better than EVERY DC comicbook movie ever made and the best comicbook movie of the last 5 years at least.


it's like standstill dunks and breakaway runs on video games. what the fukk am i talking about? lemme explain. when i was a kid, all the sports video games where just rife with unrealistic trash. shaq could be right underneath the damn basket and would shoot a weird fade away layup. there were no standstill dunks until 2000 when the first 2k dropped on dreamcast. in madden, the fastest muhfukkas in the world where getting caught from behind...just walked down. from joey galloway to bo jackson to randy moss...walked down in the open field. BULLshyt.

and that's how i feel when i watch comicbook movies. nothing feels "REAL". i wanna see these people doing the most mundane shyt possible, so that when it becomes time to be SUPERHUMAN, i have seen the human part before i see the super. ironman comes closest to this, which is why it changed the game, but it STILL feels cartoonish. it's warped somehow. whether it's the acting, the set design, the effects...it's too big and it begins to lose its integrity. it feels like it's for teenagers. that would be cool if i weren't two decades removed from being a teenager.

what Night Dogg has been able to do in Unbreakable and now Split is create superheroes and supervillains in the most hyper-realistic universe you'll ever see on film. they EAT fukkIN FOOD, they hunch their shoulders when they walk, they genuinely cry...and they do it without being prompted by MUSIC, so it feels authentic and the loneliness and despair just leaps of the screen. it's the most detailed shyt i've ever seen in film, given the genre. that's why they get called -suspense-thrillers when they are, in fact, comicbook movies. people don't know what to make of them, because the dude absolutely refuses to coddle audiences and let them off the hook with "Oh, nothing going to really happen to these kidnapped girls...this is just a comicbook movie...winkwink"...nah, these bytches gon get eaten alive by a fukkin psycho supervillain and it's gon look real and it's gon be tragic. it's not gon be ben kingsley in a cave twisting his fukkin mustachio and taunting ironman and we all watch that bullshyt like suckers waiting for our dogg tony stark to...Dun Da Da Dah...save the day...NOPE. that is easy and been done do death. it's so formulaic and insulting i can't take them shyts seriously after seeing split.

night dogg has upped the ante on comicbook movies and nyggas need to be thanking him instead of hatin.
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