I think when it comes down to it that people being spiritual or religious has little to NO impact on how they react to emotions or impulses. You could say that people in the past were way more devoutly religious then people today yet they still did fukked up shyt like murder, pillage and enslave
we are "one" but all these little distinctions divide us, you don't need spirituality to see that we should be all united as a species. You need some good MDMA or pscilocybin mushrooms. History should obviously never be forgotten but I think living your life embracing other people (who deserve your kindness, respect, love, etc) is the way to live a good life. Filling it with hate, resentment, etc, isn't healthy. But as I said, you also shouldn't share your love and respect with entities that don't deserve it, so you also do have to judge on an individual basis.