Alan Emerald
Most theologies and religions tell you that we are all connected and eventually to place your race and differences aside. We also know the connection religion has had in seperating and oppressing people.
So I guess my question is what is your opinion? Would you be able to put your race aside and embrace humans as kindred spirits, brothers and sisters? Do you think we should?
I think history is important and shouldn't be forgotten, but I'm also learning to live in the present. I can respect people as individuals and as human beings, but I don't know how close I can get with white folks. I can never forget my history. I can never forget my race, it's part of my culture and identity. I don't know if that will hold me back spiritually.
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@JudgeJoeGorilla @nikkaz In Paris @KillahKamn @KravenMorehead™ @Emperor_ReinScarf
I think as people embrace spirituality they will more than likely embrace other spirits (ppl). By embracing the spiritual element you embrace that there are unseen elements, good and evil etc. If believing that one might find that there is good in ppl who do look like them as well as evil in ppl who do look like them (and vice versa). I know for myself my faith has helped me to truly judge on a person's character and actions versus their appesrance. It's help to me to seek the root of problems versus the symptoms