#RollTide #TSC #RiseUp #BullsNation #RIPKobe
13 was great, only regret was the way they handled the Punk and Bryan tag team. I wish they had them teaming with the Rhodes Family going after the Authority instead of that pointless Wyatt family feud.
2013 was handled pretty damn great.
- Rock/Punk/Cena angle
- Team Hell No matches with the Shield
- The Shield was booked flawlessly
- Punk/Taker feud
- Undertaker teaming with Team Hell No against the Shield
- Ziggler/ADR feud
- Henry’s fake retirement
- Both Money in the Bank matches (featuring RVD’s return and final stint with the company)
- All of Summerslam 13: from Punk/Lesnar and Bryan/Cena to ADR/Christian and Cody/Sandow
- HHH and Orton turning heel for the first time in years (HHH had some great promos during the initial stages of the Authority, his promo with Edge immediately comes to mind)
- Rhodes family vs. the Authority
- HBK and Bryan tease
- Punk and Bryan teaming up
- seeds planted for the Shield vs the Wyatts
- Punk vs. the Shield (his match with HHH was being booked perfectly, kinda wish we could have got it)
- Championship Ascention segment
- Belts getting unified
Damn breh I forgot about the Rhodes vs Shield, great match and huge pop when the Rhodes won.