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Stone Cold saved WWE, because his personality played well off every wrestler on the roster. Anyone who's watched clips or been in that era, knows that without Austin and VKM playing off him, that shyt had NO direction and they were throwing fukkery on the wall to see what stuck. WWE likely would've had to keep Bret Hart, who wasn't a great fit into the E anymore for what was trying to be done. Taker's gimmick was still cartoonish, and the Rock was Roman Reigns I (and they hated him a lot more then).youre basing this off of unrealistic hypotheticals.
- TNA did in fact exist without TV time back then. they were strictly on pay-per view. and they outlasted all the other promotions that came out during that period that tried to fill the wcw void.
- ROH? they were wrestling in pre-school gyms at the time. TNA stayed b*tchin them out over talent.
- ECW wouldve got b*tched out too. they had no bank. and as i said earlier, TNA had big stars coming thru there from day one that wouldnt have dealt with ecw.
as far as austin goes, he didnt bring the wwf back by himself. their machine played a big part in that and they survived the drought before they heated back up because of BRAND LOYALTY. they wouldve still had the rock. plus, other wrestlers wouldve made the jump. it was an all-around golden age for talent. they wouldve signed up a gang of people and eventually been alright without austin. they lasted years with that mediocre roster. just like they lasted years with a mediocre roster in the late 00s/early '10s.
WCW likely would've made better decisions, not having to fear WWE and continuously seeing them further behind them in their rear mirror. They would've gained the fans that Stone Cold (didn't exist), DX, Nation, Rock, and others lost through boredom and expensive PPV's, and that would mean more revenue, which would mean more chances able to be taken. Also remember the screw job likely wouldn't have happened either.
ECW would've been what TNA is now, in a period of smarter restructuring, and getting the wrestlers that WWE couldn't afford and WCW didn't need. All three companies were already rotating talent as it is.
My main question is where do you see TNA getting a foothold in all?? Yes, Dixie bought the company from Jeff Jarrett, but what do you really think Jarrett would have had to work with at this point. Again, my point is market share and over saturation. There wasn't enough channels that was wrestling friendly that TNA would fit, if SCSA got ECW one.
Even of ECW failed, I don't see TNA surviving if WCW won, as it would've been the biggest monster ever, and not simply burying people like WWE did after they won. They had all the biggest stars, and an unlimited budget, that they were now contributing to. The AOL merger likely would've given them more investment, or at least inspiration for brand splits.
And the hypotheticals are realistic, as I'm pulling SCSA out of WWE and showing how the rest of the domino's would have fallen. Your hypothetical continues to assume TNA would be created where there is no real space or wrestlers for it. So before you start refuting my claim, tell me what wrestlers you would actually be able to start with.