Why? It just means Latina or LatinoThe use of LatinX means the numbers are inaccurate as well![]()
Why? It just means Latina or LatinoThe use of LatinX means the numbers are inaccurate as well![]()
The government is the main reason why the situation is as dire as it is now. Muthaphuckas allow the white liberal to incentivize the black family to kick fathers to the curb. It was the plan all along for black folks to remain at the bottom to be cheap labor.
Y'all can look to the government for answers if you want.
nikkas are so dependent and ass backwards these days that they call black empowerment and self determination "boot strap ideology" and shyt on it. Most black folks are beyond fukked.
Bruh, wtf?
I put spin because this seems relevant given another topic we had recently about SAT scores.
Notice the Chronically Absent column. This is probably the cause and this is why parents need to be on their ass. Any parent who is involved enough isn't going to allow their kid to be chronically absent. Parental involvement seems the main culprit with this I said in the Michigan SAT score thread...
All kids went thru the pandemic they should be equally affected.These kids just spent the most critical part of their learning lives away from the classroom due to the pandemic.
You can’t solely blame the parents here. This is an entirely new dilemma. It’s likely most of those kids were not behind prior to 3 years ago.
Yessir. Knowledge/learning is a pursuit. Can't be forced on anyone. Education has to become relevant in the culture. An integral part of home life. Same way kids practice for sports is how they should be drilling for education. The structure comes from the parents.My wife has been dealing with this crap for over 20 years and really she has admitted that it seems to actually be getting worse over time. I know what the actual solution to the issue is, and I am pretty sure everyone else knows it too. The problem though is that too many of us do not want to point the finger where it belongs. We don't want come out and say it is a parenting problem. Instead, we rather blame the schools, blame the funding, blame everything else but the actual source of the problem.
Well I have no problem with blaming who is actually causing the problem, and it is not a lack of funding. They have shown Indians in India in a class room sharing one book, focused on doing well. It is not the schools per say, because I quite frankly went to crappy schools and got what I was not getting from the school from other sources as my grandparents felt I needed. I also did the same for my sister, who came to me not being able to read at her grade level. No, it is the parents. The parents are the problem and only the parents being focused on their children's education will create the solutions.
I think we need to separate. Middle/upper class white people are not shackled by trailer trash.Black people in this country always been for a lack of a better term held back by the lower class/lower achievers in the group
The question is what to do about it, we have two options, either the middle and upper class leave everybody behind or we all stay together to rise collectively
I’m biased so I lean towards staying together but honestly maybe lower class people should be separated from the middle and upper class and maybe that gives them upper class more room to operate
Black people in this country always been for a lack of a better term held back by the lower class/lower achievers in the group
There is no such thing as economic segregation,Nope.
Black people respected education during segregation days because there was a point to it (i.e., Jobs with Black businesses)
When integration came Black kids were served up to white teachers who absolutely despised them and if you talk to some elderly Black people they'll tell you what happened. Kids became less interested in education because they faced overwhelming racial hostility from white teachers who hated them and wouldn't push them to do well (Whereas Black teachers would) and the Black business community was voluntarily destroyed due to it being abandoned.
And Black kids are like kids anywhere, they respond to their environment. So what exactly is the point of them achieving at a high level or their parents pushing them to achieve at a high level if there's no reward at the end of the path?
Because you graduate and now you have to beg cacs for jobs that they don't want to give you. Or you go into debt to get a college degree with the very same problem.
Neither is a path to success. And it's why you have what exists today.
What needs to be done but won't because it would require a nationwide reordering of priorities in "Black America" is to re-segregate economically so Black people can employ their own people and stop being in a position where they have to beg for jobs from their racial obstructors.
Compete waste of time. You are claiming education has not benefit without segregation. Because they would be "begging for jobs".Nope.
Black people respected education during segregation days because there was a point to it (i.e., Jobs with Black businesses)
When integration came Black kids were served up to white teachers who absolutely despised them and if you talk to some elderly Black people they'll tell you what happened. Kids became less interested in education because they faced overwhelming racial hostility from white teachers who hated them and wouldn't push them to do well (Whereas Black teachers would) and the Black business community was voluntarily destroyed due to it being abandoned.
And Black kids are like kids anywhere, they respond to their environment. So what exactly is the point of them achieving at a high level or their parents pushing them to achieve at a high level if there's no reward at the end of the path?
Because you graduate and now you have to beg cacs for jobs that they don't want to give you. Or you go into debt to get a college degree with the very same problem.
Neither is a path to success. And it's why you have what exists today.
What needs to be done but won't because it would require a nationwide reordering of priorities in "Black America" is to re-segregate economically so Black people can employ their own people and stop being in a position where they have to beg for jobs from their racial obstructors.