SPIN: Obi-Wan dies instead of Qui-Gon. What changes?


Dec 2, 2015
QGJ raises anakin as a father not as a little brother, which is why i think obi wan failed.

They didnt have the same connection. QGJ was so decoted and connected to the u regimented force that he came back in the force to talk and teach yoda how to do so and to prep him to train luke.

So while qgj isnt a deulist, i think with his eye on anakin and his knowledge that his mother while maybe not at the jedi temple might be freed and placed with the organas or another family friendly to the jedis.

So off the bat I believe with ogj and his connection he could read and guide anakin eith .kre discipline, be receptive to his fears and help him as a man deal with thise insecurities feara and doubts and work through it by strengthing his connection to the force to find the right way.

If qgj is alive palpetine has no in with anakin imho, none at all, to the point where if he tried to turn him he would have immediately reported it to qgj and if palpetine killed qgj in front of him like he did mace anakin would have struck him down instantly.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
The jedi would've been threatened by qui gonn and anakins growing power and influence and would've legit tried to overthrow the republic. Instead of just being framed for it.
Same events would've taken place except instead of two sith ruling the galaxy, two former jedi save it from the sith and jedi alike.
Bro what :why:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Anakin doesn't fall to the darkside for a few reasons.

I don't blame the Jedi for his fall, but they weren't what he needed. In fact, I think a sane Anakin and Qui-Gon would've changed the Jedi Order for the better.

Another reason Anakin doesn't fall is because I'm convinced that Qui-Gon would've gone back for Schmi, take away her horrific death alone = Anakin doesn't become a psychopath.

Dooku doesn't fall either, 100%.

I think Qui-Gon would've immediately seen through Palpatine's bullshyt, and Anakin receiving the extra care that he needed, and I do believe QGJ would be firm with him, wouldn't be so susceptible. I think Palpatine would constantly be trying to murk Anakin, rather than turn him.

The Clone Wars might not happen. Sifo-Dyas wouldn't have been linked to Palpatine without Dooku, he might still have confided in Dooku who in turn, with Qui-Gon alive, might not have turned on the Jedi/Republic.

I see Palpatine resorting to dictatorship but failing without a war to fall back on, and resorting to oldschool Sith shyt and all out war.

With a Jedi Order not decimated by war, and the chosen one in a healthy state of mind - Palpatine gets killed by Anakin. This leads Anakin, and QGJ, to revolutionize the Jedi Order.

I don't think Anakin ends up with Padme, with his mother freed he wouldn't have to obsess about her so much.

That fight was the duel of the fates, and Maul killing QGJ led to our timeline, the Jedi both surviving would've been the best timeline. Obi-Wan was the perfect bridge between QGJ and the Jedi Order, I can imagine QGJ's way of teaching Anakin could lead to friction with the Order, without Obi-Wan; but Maul exposing the Sith would still see the Order letting him get away with it (even without Obi).

George Lucas :wow:
breh said everything that needed to be said :wow:

shyt didn't even think about Anakin's mom.. but yeah in that timeline she probably survives :wow:


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
Anakin is a really dope character, my fav outta everyone. He wears his soul on his sleeve and he'll give you his last even when the well ran dry.
So lets ignore that its confirmed qui gon would have saved him rq..

The Force, light and dark would have still beckoned for him, regardless who trained him. He was always going to be found and used by some entity or another. It was evident he was special, even outside the midi chlorians. His character, strength of will, made him one of a kind.

Everyone shares blame in his falling.The council didnt cultivate a enriching enviorment for his growth. They have a one size fits all mentality, and he required more fluidness than they were willing to give, Qui Gon would have tailored his training into a more personalized regimen, he would have benefited from the wisdom, and he would have had much more access to techniques earlier,(qui taught yoda to force ghost after all). Mace would have been the closet but hes too much on the disciplinarian side.(he was one of the few that tapped in the dark side)They were in uncharted waters with him tho..and he had to fill shoes nobody before him could wear.

Plus palpa basically had their playbook, and GOVT supp. He would have still turned to an extent, but not to extent of vader. (qui influences/ but lack of asoka)
Him and padme would have still ended up together. Training with Qui Gon would matured him faster, she still saw em as a lil boy till he earned stripes.

Dooku woulda still turned it would have just been later imo. He had a thirst for knowledge that couldnt be quenched. And he still woulda had his issues w council.

Wars still happen, though.

Let’s say that Qui Gon survived the Darth Maul fight instead of Obi-wan. How does the Star Wars saga change from there?

The most obvious change is that there would most likely be no Darth Vader since Qui-Gon was able to relate to Anakin and guide him more effectively than the rest of the Jedi could.

I don’t think Dooku would have turned to the dark side either if Qui-Gon hadn’t gotten murked.

Then big question is whether or not the clone wars still happen. And who would be Sidious’s next apprentice? Maybe Asajj Ventress?


Jun 26, 2014
fukk it, after years of having my expectations flattened by Disney's stewardship of the franchise, this is the best material they've put out yet :blessed:

Minimum of clumsy fan service in the dialogue e.g. "smells like a dianoga's ass crack in here!" :blessed:

No shytty side characters like Gina Carano, Amy Sedaris, or Timothy Olyphant playing a caricature of roles from better shows that he's been in :blessed: (s/o to the red-headed fakkit tho)

A decent main actor putting the series on their back :blessed:

No plush toy merchandising :blessed:

Lightsaber violence :blessed:

Lord Vader harming innocent peasants:blessed: