If it wasn't for Qui Gon insisting on recruiting Anakin the dark side gets him way faster. A PRIME Sith Anakin?!

i think aniken still falls to the dark side cause the force needs balance it just haappens diffently
instead of brothers falling out its a father and son type fall out
they probably figure out palpatine is a sith lord much quicker tho
If it wasn't for Qui Gon insisting on recruiting Anakin the dark side gets him way faster. A PRIME Sith Anakin?!![]()
Add Qui-Gon and I still maintain that Anakin does not fall:
- Shmi would not be killed the way she was.
- Anakin is not so isolated that he becomes obsessed with Padme.
- Palpatine will not be in his ear as much.
There is no reason for him to turn, unless Qui-Gon would've done a 180 and become the teacher that Obi-Wan tried to be.
Yeah but it would be a lot harder for Order 66 to be successful without the Jedi being betrayed from the inside.
There's no reason to think Shmi wouldn't still be killed the same way, Qui-Gon was the one that made the deal to only save Anakin to start with.
No reason to think Anakin wouldn't still be obsessed with Padme. And ABSOLUTELY no reason to think Palpatine is going to stay away just because of Qui-Gon.
Yall out here acting like Qui-Gon is Jesus or something.
Yeah but it would be a lot harder for Order 66 to be successful without the Jedi being betrayed from the inside.
There's no reason to think Shmi wouldn't still be killed the same way, Qui-Gon was the one that made the deal to only save Anakin to start with.
No reason to think Anakin wouldn't still be obsessed with Padme. And ABSOLUTELY no reason to think Palpatine is going to stay away just because of Qui-Gon.
Yall out here acting like Qui-Gon is Jesus or something.
Qui-Gon wasn't as rigid as the Jedi, the fact that he manipulated Watto (via the cube) to free Anakin shows this. It's about character, what do YOU think Qui-Gon would do about Shmi?
I'm not saying he'd have her live in the Temple, but seeing his behaviour and Anakin's mentality I highly doubt he would leave her there.
Padme - part of Anakin's obsession with her is his insecurity and isolation, which comes back to Shmi. So my belief that QGJ wouldn't let Shmi live on as a slave directly impacts Anakins need for a mommy figure in his life.
Palpatine - I'm definitely not saying that Palpatine has anything to fear from QGJ as a person. What I mean is that with QGJ there, Anakin doesn't need Palpatine's pimp talk. Palpatine got into his ear because Anakin knew that at the end of TPM Obi-Wan disliked him and thought he was dangerous.
These things don't happen in a vacuum, the absence of Shmi and Qui-Gon directly bred Anakins need for Padme and Palpatine.
QGJ doing sth for Shmi is the only assumption that I would be willing to budge on, but he'd definitely act as soon as Anakin sensed she was in danger - rather than Obi-Wans "dreams pass in time".
Further proof that Padme is Anakins replacement for Shmi comes EXACTLY after Obi-Wan says this, "I'd much rather dream about Padme". Anakins fear and insecurity about his mom is replaced by his obsession with Padme in that very scene.
Qui-Gon isn't on the council and can't do anything about Shmi, he said so himself. He might be more sympathetic but Shmi would still most likely get killed, it's not like he's going to stay on Tattoine and be her bodyguard.
Anakin already had a thing for Padme even in Episode 1 so that probably happens regardless. And Palpatine was definitely going to be after Anakin no matter what else happened. He'd literally have Padme or Shmi killed himself if need be.
Truth is, Anakin just isn't and never was the type of person suited to be Jedi. He's too emotionally unstable.