DBZ is legendary, but Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jojo's, and One Piece are lowkey WAY better stories.
I always liked Piccolo and Krillin more than both Goku and Vegeta. I liked Gohan better too, before he got

when he grew up. I don't recognize him as the same character anymore.
Gambit is lowkey the Poochie the dog of the Marvel Universe. His whole existence peaked with the 90's cartoon. But he still has the occasional flash of brilliance and is still miles better than the lame struggle characters they're introducing in the books today.
The Chris Claremont/Dave Cockrum/John Byrne X-men era of the 70s-early 80s >>>>>>>>>>>> The 90's era, IMO.
The Original Star Wars trilogy is classic. The rest of the movies are just assembly line products to me. They have the occasional enjoyable moment, but pale in comparison with the originals.
The Fantastic Four have more piff storylines and villains than the Avengers. The FF isn't my favorite team, but they're way underrated.
The Marvel movies are lowkey getting repetitive and stale. Iron Man 1, Avengers 1, and Winter Soldier are classics. Civil War is pretty good. The other movies are good for a watch or two, then I'm

after that. Guardians of the Galaxy was cool, but had a weak villain and the way they beat him at the end was
If done right, Thor would have the dopest movies in the MCU by far. They've shied away from too much of the coolest stuff in the comics. Frog Thor, Skurge the Executioner, the Surtur Saga, the Casket of Ancient Winters, Beta Ray Bill, etc. I know some of that is planned to appear in Ragnarok, but it's looking like it's all going be a baby-oil-soft, cotton-candy parody of itself more than anything.