I really pondered throwing this data out for a while. I am not into gender warring and I figured this may end up as that. However, I guess the Eboni Williams thread got me to go ahead and do it. To be clear:
This is not an anti-IR thread. If someone is happy with a White man or woman, good for them. I am not in the business of judging or shaming people over relationships.
This is also not a Black women should be ok with "dating down" thread which is another topic entirely. I think the bus driver question (an unskilled, low wage job) is a bit hard honestly. A skilled blue collar tradesman, a computer guy without a college degree, or a construction manager with a lot of experience would have been a more telling question, but I digress.
What I want to do is dead this theme (accepted by many Black men and women) that educated Black women are forced into IR in order to find a partner of educational parity or that Black women that date/marry out, particularly to White men, are usually getting a more equal (or higher level) partner than if they dated/married Black men. That just isn't true for most situations except the highest education (like PhD), and even then there still isn't a huge difference.
Again, marriage data is pretty spotty nationally so I used the birth records from the
CDC Wonder natality database like in earlier posts. It basically collects birth cert data from across the Union over many year. Many birth questionnaires have the race and education of the mother and father.
In short, if you look at Black women that are
1. Prime marriage age (25-34)
2. Not Hispanic
3. Have a bachelors degree or higher
4. Have had at least one child from 2016-2021
First, 292k Black women in this group had kids with Black men and 26k had kids with White men. That's an 11X difference for all you Coli posters who keep claiming educated BW are all secret wenches and running to get away from Black men
Comparing the level of education of the Black and White men they have kids with is pretty telling. First, for both groups only slightly above 60% of the fathers has a bachelors or higher. Second the gap in % between WM with at least college and Black men is only 3%. That affects less than 1,000 BW in that time period from this data. Also over half that gap comes from the doctorate degree level (which is usually a BW also with a doctorate; data not shown).
Second, and important for those claiming educated BW who stay with BM "date down excessively", almost the same percentage of educated BW had kids with WM with a high school degree or less as with BM. Same with WM and BM with Associates degrees.
Finally, if you lump all men with some higher education (College+, Associates, some College) the gap almost disappears.
| Black Father | White Father | Gap |
Some College | 20.2% | 18.0% | -2.2% |
Associates | 9.1% | 9.5% | 0.4% |
Bachelors | 33.4% | 34.6% | 1.3% |
Masters | 14.2% | 14.0% | -0.2% |
Doctorate | 3.7% | 5.6% | 2.0% |
Some Post Secondary Schooling | 80.5% | 81.7% | 1.2% |
College+ (Bachelors, Masters, PhD) | 60.3% | 63.7% | 3.4% |
HS or less | 19.5% | 18.3% | -1.2% |
That's all I am saying. People should do what makes them happy but stop acting like people are leveling up in IR, it isn't true.