They are tearing down all the hoods.
Blacks have themselves to blame
There is plenty of blame to go around. Black men have been underemployed since slavery ended due in large part to discrimination. You need to read what a white Senator wrote in the 1960s on the future of the black family. Everything that is happening today including the deteriorated of the black family was predicted then.
Working men are the best creators of wealth. When men have a steady job, they are more likely to invest in the future of their families. After the Civil Rights era, black men were increasingly pushed out of the job market and it coincided with an influx of white women entering the workforce in the 1970s. Many factories that black men were able to find jobs at such down. Remember, cities like LA, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Milwaukee attracted blacks who moved from the South because of the industrial boom were experienced as a nation. These jobs disappeared slowly since then and are all but gone. A man not being able to find a job is a flashpoint for a lot of contention in the black family. Divorces and absent men shot up in the 1970s as black men became criminalized. Drugs began flooding black neighborhoods in the 1970s, even before the crack era. The drug of choice was heroin. Heroin is not made in the inner city. The corrupt government officials got it from Vietnam, SE Asia during and after the Vietnam War. It was no coincidence that as this occurred, the US government formed the DEA (1973) and ATF (1972) to criminalize black people. It was the perfect trap to keep us in line. It all started with MLK being on the FBI watch list. Black Panthers, who provided protection and served the black community were destroyed by the FBI and the COINTELPRO operation. Later, they created crack cocaine and we should all be aware of the War on Drugs game with government officials bringing cocaine into the country by the plane and boatload.
Did you know that since 1980 violent crime has gone down considerably across the country but the prison population has quadrupled? How did that happen? Non-violent drug offenses. The real problem with poor blacks is that they do not understand the game that government is playing with them. The culture of out of wedlock births and absent fathers was influenced in large part by government policies passed in the 60s and 70s. Did you know that in order to qualify for public housing you cannot have a drug related criminal offense on your record? Yes, even assault and battery is ok. A single male is last on the list to be considered for low-income housing in fact in many places they will not let you fill out an application, but if you are single parent with kids, you are getting it plus food stamps. That is the reason why culturally over the last 40 years we have seen a deterioration of everything in our community. Now, most black women have a very strong preference to not find suitable marriage partners because they get all the perks under these policies if they are single mothers with multiple kids. Homeless man, manless house. Senator Daniel Moynihan knew that then and it became true today. We need to understand the policies and laws that are enforced and how when implemented have the ability change and drive behaviors of society. Eventually, those behaviors become a norm and part of our culture.
Two areas in society that the black men is not turned away from is: 1) the military and 2) the drug market. Black men make up disproportional amount in the military and even higher in drug related offenses even though whites have a high rate of illegal drug use. The military will take in a black man to sacrifice his life for their gain in a heartbeat. They will also arrest and convict you in a heartbeat to continue to eat off the billions of dollars generated in the prison industry and criminal justice system. It cost $43,000 a year to take care of each prisoner. They would rather do that than give you a $43,000 job though. You are worth more to them in jail than you are being underemployed and jobless in the street. In most cities across the country, black male joblessness is 50% or more