Spider-Man (Morales) c00ning


May 26, 2012
The thing is that he isn't real, and this isn't really a black/hispanic teen talking...it's an old ass white dude trying to speak through him, and if he wants enter into this type of conversation you better believe that we have a right to be highly critical of him.

He doesn't come off as SM first, he comes off as a 50 year old white dude clumsily trying to take some intelligent perspective on racial issues, and instead, just telling his audience that being black isn't an important part of ones identity.

I don't agree. Right now the characterization is fine. The age, the confusion you experience at that age, the fact that at one point, in his universe, he was the only spider-man, and the relationship to the original spidey (who flip-flops between giving his blessing and trying to shut him down)... it makes sense why he would push back against that.

That said, I think the subject matter Bendis is tackling represents a very slippery slope. And I hope he has what it takes to handle it the right way. Whether or not he does remains to be seen. But it's way too early to assume he doesn't because Bendis is not black.

The fact that he works with an artist who clearly has taken the time to draw from culture gives me hope that he also collaborates behind the scenes with writers who get it. But it's too soon to judge. For better or for worse.