Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
My argument is not about the standalone/remaster debate. Technical merits say that Insomniac, like most other games coming November, has roots in ps4/xb1 technology. This Spiderman game does as well. This game is too expansive to build from the ground up on the ps5 in about two years, the hardware wasnt even finalized for half of the time. These games are going to look better automatically with resolution increases but look at things like textures on the road, buildings, etc.. and compare it to when they make a brand new one, exclusively designed for the ps5, what I say will bare out. The only launch game where I don't know where this might be applicable is Halo Infinite because it has the Slipspace engine specifically for the Xbox Series X. These other games? They will be cross gen games in nature and technical feats.