Art Barr
And he still felt like he was mistreated.
Oddly enough, he was #1 qb from Arizona in high school and Purdy was #2. He talked down on Purdy on aome Netflix show.....but look where Purdy is now
Another reason why I bought up rattler.
Rattler faced adversity and ramped at SC.
After transfering from OU.
so after Purdy's success.
After being originally charted as a third stringer. Overcame professional adversity. To now game manage the miners success as a starting qb.
Why is no one using rhe same ranking logic for rattler. As well as his ramp up at SC. To see similarity in talent in Arizona at the qb position for rattler outside of this so called humbling.
Natural ranking sense says.
.if this kid Purdy overcame adversity to be a superbowl starter under duress. Why not see what the higher ranked kid from the same area could do. Is that not what a scout is supposed to do.
I agree. Okay we as rhe oublic understand the saints got him for the cheap. After this draft slide slid him to Louisiana.
Yet can we get this kid some simole support.
like a reality star they ask for.
like this makes no sense.
As far as this kid's talent.
What race is rattler.
is rattler mixed?
Is this where the prolonged humbling is coming from?
Art Barr