No offense breh, but why don't y'all just watch college football NOW, instead of waiting 2-3 years after the fact?
You can go back and review other assessments to illustrate a point sir.
The rattler talk is about discussing darkhorse picks.
So in that.
You get a revisit to old material and the player's career breh.
You been here long enough.
to know how.
player assessment scouting picks and topics threads work, chat.
No offense...
do you not like that commentator.
r. so.
.if chose the one. Who i believe.
pointed out the difference between rattler and how i connected it to.
mahomes scouting tapes and footage. To notice the same type of situation with mahomes originally that rattler had. As far the mainstream media.
being unsure on rattler.
as just an erratic arm.
who lacked good decision making in the pocket.
the links are just to illustrate.
my point about the diffence between my eye test.
As well as.
The coliseum's consensus on the eyetest on rattler.
Despite the scouting nfl and mainstream media's Luke warm approach.
to rattler from some klandestine past event. That took place on some reality show.
That only dedicated football viewers of college football would have partook in. To. Being way past the casual interest as well.
Which is why I made this thread. To discuss. Just why people soured on rattler. Even though rattler ramped at sc. After transfering at OU. Plus you want a qb. Who faced some type of adversity publically outside of football already. That affects his standings as an athlete. Before the league. That i always agree score cards matter. Yet what is on rattler's culture scorecard. That now as an adult. Rattler is still Being punished or humbled.
So we can accordingly as the buying general public. Know if this so called humbling is warranted. Even after rattler transfered and ramped at SC.
that is why the thread is made. To discuss all the press build up or lack of. In regards to rattler.
Plus his resulting slide in draft stock.
Art Barr
Art Barr