Since Europe and the US are so fukked right now economy wise,why cant we all forgive eachother's debts and start over? i mean we all lose on what is owe to us but fukk it....
Doesn't quite work like that. Yea, the bond holders lose out but you have to remember which bond holders they are as in the U.S's case they're a lot of external/internal bond holders (The Fed, the gov itself in intragoverment holdings, mutual/pension funds, and all the external holders like China, Japan, the oil nations). Think of it like when a individual goes into bankruptcy/default, that individual can no longer get credit until after the bankruptcy is done and must fund their current livestyle with w.e. cashflow they currently have.
These countries cashflows are already negative (hence the deficits and borrowing) so total default means a lockout of the bondmarket to borrow or high ass interest rates. It eventually will lead to true fiscal cuts. And remember just like an individual when you're out of bankruptcy to say if/when they did that (U.S./Europe) its still on your "record" that you were bankrupt for some time before you establish new creditworthiness. At best, like an individual the countries would have "beginner's credit" but not a history of good credit. In short, they will be punished by the bond market either way. And since many western nations spend more than they take in, in addition to using the bonds sold for current fiscal operations by a total lockout of the bond market will require them to conduct true austerity (real deep cuts to match w.e. current revenues they would take in) not just cuts from projected spending (the baseline budging stuff they do now for some countries). A sudden jump in any of these countries interest rates will have the same result if the bond maket thinks the default is imminent. And since our country and theirs also run some real trade deficits all those imported goods (gone since many won't be able to afford the new market price for them)-you'll see a real decrease in the standard of living here and in Europe for a while.
The U.S. will just continue to monetize the debt, devalue the currency to help pay it off as long as they can get away with it, it'll be the last place where they'll straight up be responsible and make the proper fixes to this situation.