South Sudan Civil War


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I think you might need help...serious help. Maybe the coli can do a intervention. Drugs are bad world. You didn't even read the article passed the first paragraph and it shows.

i read the whole article, here it is

Anthea Pitt, LONDON: An oil deal struck between South Sudan’s state-owned producer, Nilepet, and international commodities broker Glencore is at the centre of an internal struggle for control of the fledgling nation’s exports.
On 9 July, the day South Sudan declared independence, Nilepet and Glencore sealed a joint-venture agreement establishing Petronile International. At the time, Glencore and South Sudan’s energy ministry said the venture would market a portion of South Sudan’s 375,000 barrels a day of crude output.

Today, however, South Sudan’s director-general of petroleum, Arkangelo Okwang Oler – a signatory to the joint-venture agreement – told reporters: “We have not mandated Glencore to market our oil. They [Glencore] are not mandated to sell the crude of the south.”

The dispute appears to centre on the sale of volumes of royalty oil, rather than the equity production Nilepet holds through its stakes in consortia producing from South Sudan’s fields. The exact volume of oil under dispute could not be ascertained. But South Sudan’s total daily production is worth around $40 million a day to the new nation – with Brent crude trading in the region of $110 a barrel.

Okwang was not immediately available for comment. But a spokesman from the South Sudan Ministry of Mines and Energy said: “This deal doesn't allow Glencore to market the government’s entitlement oil; the company may deal only with NilePet’s entitlements.”

He did not give further clarification. No one at Nilepet was available for comment.

Glencore, however, claims the joint-venture agreement covers both royalty and equity production. The trader, which listed in London through an $11 billion initial public offering in May, said the joint-venture terms make it clear that Petronile International “is responsible for marketing the state’s and Nilepet’s crude oil”.

Lual Deng, a southerner who was, until independence, Sudan’s oil minister, said he understood oil marketing was the responsibility of the South Sudanese oil ministry. By signing the joint-venture agreement, he said, Nilepet may have exceeded its authority.

But, added Glencore: “The [joint-venture] agreement was signed in Juba by the managing director of Nilepet [Mangok Kali Mangok] and Arkangelo Okwang from the energy ministry.”

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it clearly is showing that the south sudanese are arguing with a multinational corporation about details of a contract, that is a good thing and normal, if they were afraid to argue with the corporation about the details then that would mean they are rolling over

the article doesnt support your assertion that the south sudanese are controlled by the western corporations it actually disputes it


custom user title
May 9, 2012
lol, the fact that they realize what they are and you don't realize what u are - makes them better than u, imo.
It's not all about language and religion.. u focus on religion for the same reason the world is c00n 13 does - u hate islam... but the collective manifestations of Western innovations, genocides, art, ideas, morals, inventions, social convictions, religions, laws, stigmas, and commercial practices --- is what spit u out. So who are u to judge???

The only thing foreign about me is the language I speak (English). It does annoy me that I have to communicate my thoughts, ideas, ambitions and world view in this language but at this moment there is nothing I can do about it. I would prefer to do it in a West African language...particularly a Ghanaian language (as that is where my parents are from). But right now, English is very practical and most of the world's vital information is in this language.... and I speak, write, and understand it so it's very advantageous to my progression.

Although I might speak English but I have not accepted a foreign identity as my own like Black Muslims have accepted the ethos, mythos, theos, logos, pathos of Middle Eastern Arabs. Not to get to in depth with this, but I subscribe to an African cosmology and I am definitely not colonized in the mind, nor am I genetically conflicted like you may be.


Jun 4, 2012
The only thing foreign about me is the language I speak (English). It does annoy me that I have to communicate my thoughts, ideas, ambitions and world view in this language but at this moment there is nothing I can do about it. I would prefer to do it in a West African language...particularly a Ghanaian language (as that is where my parents are from). But right now, English is very practical and most of the world's vital information is in this language.... and I speak, write, and understand it so it's very advantageous to my progression.

Although I might speak English but I have not accepted a foreign identity as my own like Black Muslims have accepted the ethos, mythos, theos, logos, pathos of Middle Eastern Arabs. Not to get to in depth with this, but I subscribe to an African cosmology and I am definitely not colonized in the mind, nor am I genetically conflicted like you may be.
no conflicting here..

only delusional people think they aren't a mix of cultures... especially 2nd generation Africans after hundreds of years of colonization.

umm lets see what this Ghanaian sister has to say about it

lol, i'm joking, but u catch my drift.
Jun 24, 2012
i read the whole article, here it is

it clearly is showing that the south sudanese are arguing with a multinational corporation about details of a contract, that is a good thing and normal, if they were afraid to argue with the corporation about the details then that would mean they are rolling over

the article doesnt support your assertion that the south sudanese are controlled by the western corporations it actually disputes it

Arguing over details of a contract goes into the process of negotiations in a meeting about the contracts. Apparently the corporation is doing what is does best....getting over on uneducated people with the fine print. The Corporation won don't read well.


Jun 4, 2012
n yeah, my peps r from the same area we are discussing... but u would probably be shocked at our % of AA who are the ones in all the American revolutionary movements. Give credit where it's due.... This is like not giving Castro credit for saving Angola..


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Arguing over details of a contract goes into the process of negotiations in a meeting about the contracts. Apparently the corporation is doing what is does best....getting over on uneducated people with the fine print. The Corporation won don't read well.

how did they win? the south sudanese clearly told them to fukk off and they are fully aware and fully savvy about the contracts they sign

the only thing you have exposed is your condescending attitude toward the south sudanese
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Jun 24, 2012
how did they win? the south sudanese clearly told them to fukk off and there are fully aware and fully savvy about the contracts they sign

the only thing you have exposed is you r condescending attitude toward the south sudanese

1. Obviously they are aware of the corruption in their government too doesn't mean they will stop it. The key word is "May" in the title.
2. You truly have no proof of my issues with South Sudanese. I have none.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
1. Obviously they are aware of the corruption in their government too doesn't mean they will stop it. The key word is "May" in the title.
2. You truly have no proof of my issues with South Sudanese. I have none.

1. you posted an article that clearly showed that the south sudanese were fully aware of what they were signing and they refused to recognize a contract that wasnt officially approved by the right person, its clear as day unless you dont know how to read

2. the proof is your continued pathetic attempt to paint the south sudanese arguing about and rejecting contracts as evidence that they are being controlled by the west, when in fact its evidence that the south sudanase are fully aware and savvy


Jun 4, 2012
fyi, not that u all give a fukk...

most south Sudanese practice indigenous religions and even earth animal universe type shyt, even if they are Christian or Muslim... You will rarely find 1 that isn't on that ancient African first religion shyt.

Actually it's one of the very few places on EARTH that is this way...

The attacks on it and the character assignations are laughed at by those in the know. ancient 'Sudan' adopted the ways of others in some case just for money reasons and culture reasons. Not All of those trades in ideas were a bad thing.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
fyi, not that u all give a fukk...

most south Sudanese practice indigenous religions and even earth animal universe type shyt, even if they are Christian or Muslim... You will rarely find 1 that isn't on that ancient African first religion shyt.

Actually it's one of the very few places on EARTH that is this way...

The attacks on it and the character assignations are laughed at by those in the know. ancient 'Sudan' adopted the ways of others in some case just for money reasons and culture reasons. Not All of those trades in ideas were a bad thing.

yeah you are right we dont give a fuk

:pacspit: Sudan

this is what the Sudanese were doing to South Sudanese before independence and now are doing to non muslims in the Nuba mountains



Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Mass Graves are not a bump in the road...

theworldismine please, you saying split up with the Muslims not matter what is kumbaya not matter how you want to portray it. You hate Islam, which is fine, it's warranted in this case. And let's be honest, between the oil and the Darfur conflict, the Sudanese Muslims are a special kind of ugly. But you know what? That's neither here or there. Darfur is over, and South Sudan is it's own country. The choice was made. And now, this is black people black killing black people over something frivolous. That's a damn shame not matter how you want to look at it.

I agree, that its sad what is going on but I think what people that are not African fail to realize it that the world is not black and white on the African grounds outside of South Africa. Your social and daily interaction at its basic level includes people who are black but differ from you in language, customs, religion and culture. These difference can hurt daily interaction majorly and has a ripple effect in other spheres of society especially government. This is easily exploited by greedy people and outsiders. You never have to face the music for corruption in Africa because you can always blame another tribe as a scapegoat. Globally black/white is obvious, it is but not so obvious in South Sudan and most parts of Africa. In your mind the only people you belong to is the black tribe. These peoples identity goes beyond that. In Europe, they identify as their tribe/ethnicity along with race. Whites are together now more than ever because they have separated their countries based on ethnicity,language and/or culture. That have split their countries to the most rigid borders known to man to make sure that people that get along stay in their respective countries with each other. They did not go about creating artificial white countries without considering language and/or cultural differences. That is something you need to consider when looking at African countries.

Next week Wednesday, will be 100 years of the creation of Nigeria and it is a shyt country for the masses. Yet it was created by a Scottish man named Lord Lugard to serve the economic greed of the British Empire. No black man was responsible for its creation The lack of growth is large part due to tribal and religious differences. In fact, its the foundation of the country's problems. Corruption is a natural child of that. The United States works because the people that migrated here have CHOSEN to be here with other groups, it is an expectation to get along and become an AMERICAN. If I go and force 200 million whites in Western Europe without their consent into a United States of Europe, prepare for conflict and civil wars innumerable. The strength in white dominance was first done by being separated then coming together when everybody's house (country) was in order. It is easier to hold your own people accountable without outside influences being involved.

Its amazing that you don't apply the same concepts that other races have to promote stability but in fact prefer to do the opposite. Somehow you can understand why a Persian and a Saudi would need their own countries even though they are both technically Middle Eastern, can also understand why a French and a German would need their own countries even though they are white but can't comprehend why an Igbo and Hausa should have their own countries even they are both black. Divide and conquer only works when you can exploit differences between groups of people. African countries are very easy to divide and conquer that is why their resources are easily taken by outsiders. The oil looks like its for the people of South Sudan but will always end up where it where it was intended to go.
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