Larry Lobster
hes a faq
what a surprise...
what a surprise...
y0 twism did I ever link you to this story: Brooklyn Castle
Did the same damn thingmy english teacher was cool, i actually wrote a paper breaking down the lyrics of rakim's "microphone fiend", she gave me a B, this was in community college tho
English 101 professors are some of the saddest human beings you'll ever meet. They are c*nts for the sake of being c*nts because their dreams of being a writer or poet went up in flames. They will piss on anything you hand in.
Once you get past those failures and into the real shyt, the bulk of your major, everything else is smooth sailing..
That's why I went to a school with no liberal arts programs. fukk opinionated shyt. Straight stem.
aren't you still required to take English 101...
even MIT has history majors breh..
what alma materNope. No Eng 101 bruh.
what alma mater
A doc dealing with Black students trying to get into college, follows them for 13 years. Now these kids are middle class so it's obviously a different set of circumstances...
I think back to how much reading was done in my home, if it wasn't for my love of newspapers from an early age I wouldv'e been messed up in the game.
Saw it last night, pretty good doc. There was a messed up part where the kids are talking about how life would be easier if they were white, and how they wished they were white. They unfortunately took out all the parts with Ferguson and the other experts. Young lightskin dude's father was by far my favorite person in the movie, every time he came on screen he was spitting knowledge. It's crazy seeing these Black middle class kids underachieve, I'm dealing with more than a couple here at my law school and it is interesting seeing it on a daily basis. You would think because of all the advantages they have they would be ahead of the curve, but that is definitely not the case.
Saw it in the theater,you can go to the website to find out when it is playing in your city.Where did you see it? Online?
Gang fights at school, prostitution on H-hall, and 22 year old seniors when I transferred there in 9th grad
Saw it in the theater,you can go to the website to find out when it is playing in your city.