talk on Kiev's gradual descent into Mad Max beyond Thunderdome status??


Jan 31, 2014
The time for restructurising and modernisation is running out for Russia, they are just a ginormous gas station.
But the world knows its time to search for alternative sources and become less dependant from these rogue states.

Ruskies however like to think its always gonna be about dikk/ball size and "street cred" :flabbynsick:.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This fukkin' guy Putin man :wow:

18 March 2014 Last updated at 06:38 ET
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Moldova's Trans-Dniester region pleads to join Russia

A sign in Trans-Dniester reminds people: "We are not Moldova!"
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Ukraine crisis
Pro-Russian politicians and activists in Moldova's breakaway Trans-Dniester region have asked the Russian parliament to draft a law that would allow their territory to join Russia.

The Trans-Dniestrian appeal comes as Moscow moves towards absorbing Crimea into the Russian Federation. Ukraine, the EU and US say that move is illegal.

Russian loyalists dominate Trans-Dniester, with support from Moscow.

The region split from Moldova in a war in 1991-92, as the USSR was collapsing.

Moldova's President Nicolae Timofti said in a news briefing on Tuesday that any decision by Moscow to accept Trans-Dniester "would be a step in the wrong direction".


In a September 2006 referendum, unrecognised by Moldova and the international community, the region reasserted its demand for independence.

Irina Kubanskikh, spokeswoman for the Trans-Dniester parliament, told Itar-Tass news agency that the region's public bodies had "appealed to the Russian Federation leadership to examine the possibility of extending to Trans-Dniester the legislation, currently under discussion in the State Duma, on granting Russian citizenship and admitting new subjects into Russia".

A pro-Kremlin party, A Just Russia, has drafted legislation to make it easier for new territories to join Russia. The party told the Vedomosti newspaper that the text was now being revised, in order not to delay the rapid accession of Crimea to Russia.

The Duma - Russia's lower house - and the Federation Council (upper house) are dominated by supporters of President Vladimir Putin.

Vedomosti reports that the Trans-Dniester appeal to Russia also warns about a possible further deterioration if Moldova signs an association agreement with the EU.

Moldova's leaders plan to do so. The crisis in neighbouring Ukraine erupted after former President Viktor Yanukovych was expected - and then refused - to sign such an agreement.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
9m ago

Russia has offered an alternative version of events in Simferopol.

#Russia version of Simferopol shooting says #Crimea"self-defense fighters were shot by a sniper," 1 killed.

— Alexander Marquardt (@MarquardtA) March 18, 2014
13m ago

NBC’s Ed Flanagan, who was one of the first on the scene of the shooting in Simferopol, says that other Ukrainian troops had their weapons taken away and were arrested.

Ukrainian military spokesman also says all men on base arrested and their weapons taken and wounded captain taken to hospital for treatment.

— Ed Flanagan (@edmundflanagan) March 18, 2014
Updated 12m ago

33m ago

Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister Danylo Lubkivsky told the BBC he could not confirm events at the military base in Simferopol but said that he feared an escalation.

36m ago

Military spokesman Vladislav Seleznyov, speaking to Reuters by telephone from Crimea, said it was unclear who had staged the assault, but described the attackers, as “unknown forces, fully equipped and their faces covered”.

37m ago

The Ukrainian serviceman who died was shot in the neck, the BBC’s Ben Brown reports. He says two bursts of automatic fire were heard and he says another man, a captain was also reportedly injured.

49m ago

A Ukrainian serviceman has died after the attack on a Ukrainian military base in Simferopol, Crimea, Interfax is reporting.

Updated 44m ago

51m ago

The Ukrainian prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, has accused Russia of a war crime, after shots were fired at a military base in Simferopol, Crimea, Reuters is reporting. He is quoted as saying:

Today Russian soldiers began shooting at Ukrainian serviceman. This is a war crime.

He reportedly also said the conflict had moved from the political to the military stage.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
1h 46m ago

The president of ex-Soviet Moldova has warned Russia against any attempt to annex his country’s separatist Transdniestria region in the same way that it has taken control of Crimea in Ukraine.

During a trip to Moscow, the speaker of Transdniestria’s separatist parliament, Mikhail Burla, yesterday urged Russia to incorporate his mainly Russian-speaking region, which split away from Moldova in 1990, one year before the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

President Nicolae Timofti said today that Russia would be making a “mistake” if it agreed to the request:

This is an illegal body which has taken no decision on inclusion into Russia. I believe that Burla’s actions are counter-productive and will do no good for either Moldova or Russia. And if Russia makes a move to satisfy such proposals, it will be making a mistake.

The separatist region fought a brief war with Moldova in 1992 and it declared itself an independent state, but it remains unrecognised by any country, including Russia, which has 1,500 troops stationed there.

A referendum in Transdniestria in 2006 produced a 97.2% vote in favour of joining Russia, an even higher score than in Crimea’s referendum. Unlike Crimea, however, it is located far from Russia. It shares a border with Ukraine.

Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest countries, has been governed by pro-Western leaders since 2009. It has clinched an association agreement with the European Union, as currently sought by the pro-western leaders who came to power in Ukraine after the removal of Moscow-backed President Viktor Yanukovych.

2h 5m ago

Russian troops have attempted to storm a Ukrainian military base in Simferopol, according to NBC’s Ed Flanagan.

Shots fired as russian forces storm #Ukraine military base in #Simferopol. 3-4 short bursts of gunfire. UNCONFIRMED reports of men wounded

— Ed Flanagan (@edmundflanagan) March 18, 2014
Entrance to base. Earlier heavily armed soldiers seen running around front before shots

— Ed Flanagan (@edmundflanagan) March 18, 2014
Police moved bystanders off road away from #Ukrainemilitary base entrance.Small groups of Russian soldiers moving up

— Ed Flanagan (@edmundflanagan) March 18, 2014
Silence since initial shots fired. Around 15 we believe russian soldiers carrying shotguns,close quarter riot shields and ak-47s stormed in

— Ed Flanagan (@edmundflanagan) March 18, 2014
2h 22m ago

Turkey has reportedly threatened to close the Bosphorus to Russian ships, if there is violence against the Crimean Tatars.

In his speech today, President Putin was at pains to stress that the rights of Tatars, persecuted and deported from Ukraine in the Stalin-era, would be protected.

Citing a diplomatic source, the Sofia news agency says that Turkey’s prime minister Recep Erdogan made the threat in a telephone conversation with Putin.

Erdogan also said that Turkey would not recognise the referendum in Crimea in which 97% of the voters cast their ballots in favour of joining the Russian Federation, according to the report.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

"The west endorsed Kosovo's right to self determination and independence from Serbia but now denied crimeans the same right. You cannot call the same thing black today and white tomorrow"

"Ukraine's new leaders includes neo Nazis, russophones and anti Semites"

Also said Germans should understand just like Russia supported east and west Germany coming together

That potent ether :wow: