Sony vs MS this gen is basically MCU vs DCEU

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
For example, despite Witcher 1 and 2 being Microsoft exclusives and having a Marketing (and Witcher 2 bundle) agreement with MS for Witcher 3; PS4 has near 5 million sales of the game to Xbox One's 1.5 million sale of the same product.

CDPR are surely going to think twice before signing any exclusive deals with MS from now on.
Every third party developer is. The console market has shrunk while development costs have risen; the platform-exclusive game model is way riskier and less profitable than it used to be; that's why there's less exclusives this gen than in any gen prior and the trend will likely continue.

That being said, you're right; Sony has slaughtered MS in the exclusives arena. Microsoft made a series of major bets they felt would be a bigger deal than exclusives (eg, social media push at E3 2013, Kinect, Game Pass), and none have panned out in the way a great exclusive title does. As a guy who likes the XB1 more than PS4 it's tough to watch; but I gotta acknowledge the PS4 just has the better library. Kudos to Sony for not writing off the importance of exclusives.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
I've defended this movie to the death. Mostly in these comments here:
Man of Steel is the most underrated superhero movie of all time.
Man of Steel is the most underrated superhero movie of all time.

Be warned long ass read ahead.

I can see why people don't like this rendition as he is nothing like classic/regular Superman but I like the realistic take on him. Easier to empathize with a demi-god who makes human mistakes than a demi-god who is the embodiment of good.
For what's it worth, I agree with you bro. Man of Steel (and BvS/JL)'s hate stems from Marvel bias 80% of the time.


May 6, 2012
Exclusives are a big deal when it's a big game. Sure there's fanboyism ingrained into it(as if there's no latent fanboyism behind the numerous "____ game is BC and has an X patch!" threads) but most of the time it's because it's a big game. GOW is a big game. It's been 13 years since it's initial release. It's had three big, critically acclaimed games(GOW1~3). By the time Ascension was coming out, it was already some sort of fatigue with the franchise. The game sold worse than the other ones and it got a much lower reception(80 Metacritic compared to the usual 92~94 scores the first three got) so people were tired of it. This comes out and they took a big risk and reinvented it and it looks like it payed off.

The line about the biggest selling games are multiplat is the typical go to response guys throw out when exclusives is being talked about. First of all, not every game that's 3rd party sells more then every exclusive. A lot of times those games that sell more are games that are long running franchises. GTA is a big series that gained popularity on PS2. It was practically a PS2 exclusive with San Andreas selling 12 million on PS2 alone BEFORE it released on the OG Xbox. It's a slightly misleading argument.

Let's look at the best selling PS3 games for example:

Grand Theft Auto V 21.3 million
Gran Turismo 5 11.94 million[1]
The Last Of Us 7 million[2]
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception 6.6 million[3]
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 6.5 million[4]
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 6 million[5]
Batman: Arkham City 5.49 million
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 5.35 million[1]
God of War III 5.2 million; 2,818,033 in North and Latin America, 1,961,733 in PAL regions, 417,866 in Japan and SCE Asia territories[6]
Gran Turismo 6 5.06 million[1]
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 4.8 million approximately; 3.531 million in the US,[7][8][9] 244,578 and 25,268 The Best in Japan,[10] at least 1 million in UK[11]
MotorStorm 3.31 million[12]
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.269 million units approximately; 3.094 million in the US,[13] 175,813 in Japan[10]
Heavy Rain 3.03 million[14]
LittleBigPlanet 3 million[15]
Final Fantasy XIII 2.97 million approximately: 1.904 million in Japan,[16] 140,000 in other Asian countries,[17] 828,200 in US,[18] 100,000 in UK[19]
Grand Theft Auto IV 2.73 million approximately: 1.89 million in US,[20] 211,240 and 37,306 The Best in Japan,[21] 600,000 in UK[22]
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 2.6 million[23][24]
Resistance: Fall of Man 2.5 million[25]
God of War Collection 2.42 millions; 1,748,663 in North and Latin America, 514,253 in PAL regions, 155,600 in Japan and SCE Asia territories[6]
Devil May Cry 4 2 million[26]
Killzone 2 2 million[27]
inFamous ~ 2 million[28]
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.977 million approximately; 1.106 million in the US,[29] 122,019 regular and 149,028 The Best in Japan,[10] 600,000 in UK[22]
Call of Duty: World at War 1.83 million approximately; 1.238 million in the US,[29] 600,000 in UK[22]
Demon's Souls 1.7 million[30]
Resident Evil 5 1.62 million approximately: 585,000 in US,[31] 520,564 and 258,961 Gold Edition in Japan,[10] 200,000 in UK,[32] 62,040 in France[33]
Heavenly Sword 1.5 million[34]
Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition 1.5 million[35]
Red Dead Redemption 1.35 million approximately, 947,400 in the US,[36][37] 300,000 in UK,[38] 109,340 in Japan[10]
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 1.25 million[39]
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 1.1 million[40]
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift 1 million[41]
This contradicts the "multiplats always sell more than exclusives" narrative. The TOP 5 best selling PS3 games include FOUR exclusives.
The majority of best selling PS2 games were exclusive
List of best-selling PlayStation 2 video games - Wikipedia

Some of those franchises are now multiplatform e.g. Tekken, FF, KH, MGS etc.

PS4 best selling games include Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn which both sold 8.7 million and 7.6 million together. TLOU Remastered sold 6+ million. That was a $60 remaster.
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy sold over 2.5 million as of Sept 2017. I'm sure it's higher now. A lot of times y'all just post skewed numbers like "best selling GAMES of XXXX which has combined sales for multiple platforms and pit them against one exclusive title. I'm sure GOW PS4 will do 10 million lifetime and so would TLOU Part 2. I'm sure someone is typing up "b-b-b-but individually they sell more!" and again I'm sure Evolved or Mirror's Edge didn't outsell Uncharted.

There are exclusives that sell gangbusters and there are that sell great for their budget/brand strength. There are 3rd parties that sell crap and flop but you guys never bring that up. You just bring up the typical 3rd parties that do well and pit that against the few exclusives that release per year and make a lop sided argument. It's like comparing the sales of "Android" phones solely to APPLE iPhones. You don't see the flaw in that comparison? "Android" is basically "Multiplat" in that VARIOUS companies release different phones versus the product line of just Apple's stuff. Basically, a lot of exclusives sell just as well as third party titles. Hell, Driveclub sold over 2 million copies on PS4.


Oct 26, 2015
Let’s be honest
Both consoles kinda sucked this gen

For the first 3-4 years they’re was no games ,just damn remasters

Even know I feel there’s barely any games to play

shyt feels like PS3 2.0


Apr 2, 2018
Xbox fails by concept of vision, the strategy is a effort that works in some cases but the type of budget games compared to Sony is much lesser. Sony is releasing Grade AAA top quality first party releases and Microsoft can’t decide if it’s gonna release a Minecraft or battle royal shooter both without developing entirely just getting it on the platform.. Basically if u like McDonald’s then that’s Xbox just a quick gaming snack but if u like fancy elegant dinning then Sony has a bigger and better quality. Truth

Microsoft continuously shows that it does not understand its customer. From Windows 8 launching as a tablet OS, to Halo 5 without Master Chief as main character, and XB1 basically being launched as a DVR that played games...they have a passion for making colossal missteps that are completely opposed to what the market calls for. Not only that, they drive most of their development houses into the ground and have their 2nd party developers running for their life after 1-2 projects. It’s a shyt company that is basically propped up by the dominance of Windows.


Jan 22, 2015
Microsoft continuously shows that it does not understand its customer. From Windows 8 launching as a tablet OS, to Halo 5 without Master Chief as main character, and XB1 basically being launched as a DVR that played games...they have a passion for making colossal missteps that are completely opposed to what the market calls for. Not only that, they drive most of their development houses into the ground and have their 2nd party developers running for their life after 1-2 projects. It’s a shyt company that is basically propped up by the dominance of Windows.
Microsoft isn’t as cool as Sony or Nintendo. You can tell. They don’t have that Coolness aura dripping all around them. It’s more forced to be cool. Microsoft is kinda like the Ellen tv show. It try’s to be so cool. It just doesn’t know how to be lol


Aug 18, 2014
I was a DCEU stan (MoS is still GOAT superhero movie) but once IW trailer dropped and BP came through along with the travesty that was JL, I knew to take the L.

It's pathetic.

If Microsoft doesn't change things their next console is going do even worse. Word of mouth, especially in this ever connected, ever critical social media age, is the most important thing here. Once a brand has a certain feeling attached to it, it's difficult to shake off. Sony have had banger after banger after banger and truthfully their past success and goodwill they've built is slightly skewing reviews and reactions in their favor imo. If for example, MS had made Killzone or Infamous Second Son, it would have probably have had a slightly lower score than it does on the PS4. What I'm trying to say is perception matters and going too long without changing things is going to make the situation worse.

Remember how despite the PS4's launch, Sony kept releasing great games for the PS3? I guarantee the same thing happens during the transition from PS4 to PS5. MS will likely abandon Xbox One X early.

Dude hosts the biggest Xbox focused podcast on the net and even he's tired of this shyt. The tweet is slightly inaccurate because Sony have been killing the SP exclusive game since the PS1.

Enough of this games as a service bullshyt, make good games first.

Also Xbots, just take the L. You've lost this gen all the back in 2013. :hhh:

After seeing the PS2 vs the original XBox I knew what was up. I made the mistake of getting XBox over PS2. Luckily managed to get a PS2 later on. From here on it’s always a Sony console for me, it’s not even fanboyism it’s just Sony caters more towards what I like.


Oct 17, 2012
I agree but I'm talking about this gen. MS basically killed all the goodwill they built with those two consoles during E3 2013 and ths gen.

It doesn't matter if its dumb, it matters that it is. I don't see how that's dumb anyways. It's logical imo.
  • Competitor A and Competitor B have similar products.
  • A and B need to find a way to differentiate themselves and attract customers.
  • A and B decide to do so by respectively saying "buy our product and you get x game made by x studio exclusive to our system"
  • Overtime people realize exclusives on A are far better than on B. Thus, more people decide to buy Competitor A's product.
  • Multiplat developer comes along and releases game for both Competitor A and B. Turns out because of the allure of exclusives, A's product is in twice the homes B's is in.
  • Multiplat's game sells 10 million but A gets the lions share of the sales on their product and whatever % of each sale.

For example, despite Witcher 1 and 2 being Microsoft exclusives and having a Marketing (and Witcher 2 bundle) agreement with MS for Witcher 3; PS4 has near 5 million sales of the game to Xbox One's 1.5 million sale of the same product.

CDPR are surely going to think twice before signing any exclusive deals with MS from now on.

Exclusives isn't the end game but its a huge chunk of the process and it helps differentiate in an attractive manner.

And this is where microsoft should of been on there first party shyt from the og xbox days. They would of had there studios lined up today to produce triple A shyt. They tried to moneyhat there way to the top and it worked a bit last gen. But when your not the console leader third party developers are going to be reluctant. Even if third party developers do an exclusive it’s either timed or simultaneously released on pc.


Apr 2, 2018
Microsoft isn’t as cool as Sony or Nintendo. You can tell. They don’t have that Coolness aura dripping all around them. It’s more forced to be cool. Microsoft is kinda like the Ellen tv show. It try’s to be so cool. It just doesn’t know how to be lol

They fell off once the creator and head of the XBOX division J. Allard resigned. After that point, the borg at Microsoft were able to get their hands around the XBOX and turn it into the colossal failure known as the XBOX One. Replacing Don Mattrick’s dumbass with Phil Spencer was a necessary move but we will see if Microsoft corporate is able to stay out of Phil’s way to allow him to create a vibrant ecosystem of games.