Sony May Reboot And Recast SPIDER-MAN With SINISTER SIX; VENOM Movie Reportedly Scrapped

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Following yesterday's reports of Sony negotiating with Marvel to add Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it has now been revealed that the Sinister Six will possibly serve as a reboot with a new actor playing Spidey, while Venom may have once again been scrapped..


Though The Amazing Spider-Man 3 no longer has a release date, there's still clearly a lot going on behind-the-scenes at Sony Pictures when it comes to this character. The ever reliable Badass Digest confirm that they too have heard about plans to possibly incorporate Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (if you missed that story yesterday, more details can be found by clicking here), but that is actually one of THREE different ideas curently being passed around.

The site claims to have been told that, "Sony is going to soft reboot Spider-Man with The Sinister Six, having a new actor playing a Spidey who works with the villains The Dirty Dozen style to take down a larger threat." This actually sounds similar to the Ultimate Six story arc from a few years back and would make sense, though recasting Andrew Garfield when he still has another picture left on his contract doesn't. The other plan? "To put Spider-Man on the shelf for four or five years and see if they can develop any of the side characters into their own franchises." This one seems more likely in some ways, especially as Sinister Six has taken the release date previously held by The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and a female-led spin-off is also in the works.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a character like Spidey needs to be benched after two mediocre movies though. The site adds that they're not sure whether all or any of these will come to pass, but changes are definitely in store. Oh, and one more thing for you to mull over; Venom is said to be "functionally dead again," giving everyone who said "It'll never get made!" something to boast about. How do you guys feel about this news? Sound off with your thoughts below.

Source: Badass Digest