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No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
I've seen your gamer tag. You actually play all those gamepass games.You don't play the games. You have every system, you get what you want, and most importantly you play what you want. What's the last game you played on Gamepass that's outside of your norm. I'll wait
In the meantime, for the gamers that do. Gamepass is packed with everything you said it don't have and then some. It has over 500 games, every genre, every developer. You always been picky, and I could run the list of developers that have their entire catalog in there from Bethesda/Zenimax, Activision,?Sega Ubisoft,ea/etc but nothing? Cool story bro
But winb83 is right. There are no must play exclusives. Time will tell if this gamepass will delivery at this point.
So far it hasn't been successful for Microsoft. But at least you get value from it.