Imma get this game, but I really wish Sega would make a full fledge straight up 3D Sonic game. I don't like these modern Sonic games being shoehorned with side scrolling sections.
I don't think Sega has ever made a straight up 3D Sonic game without shoehorning something in there. The Adventure games, Heroes and 06 had all types of playable characters that played completely different from Sonic, Unleashed had the Werehog, Colors had side scrolling, Generations was half side scroller, Secret Rings and Black Knight were motion control garbage and the Boom games are a plodding mess.
I think if they made just one straight 3D platformer featuring only Sonic as a playable character with no stupid gimmicks that the game would be received well but Sonic Team is trash so I fully expect them to continue to run this series into the ground