Finished the game. My full thoughts -
-Great graphics. Really colorful and well-designed, and the framerate holds up.
-Fun levels and reasonably good controls. There were a few cheap falls but nothing too frustrating.
-The camera was perfectly fine for me.
-The custom character thing is reasonably well done, although I don't see why they don't let you name your character
-Soundtrack is pretty good, although not as good as the classic Sonic games.
-Too short. Even though there are 30 stages (which is more than most Sonic games), the game feels short anyway because the levels are over way too quick. You can beat most of them in under 5 minutes and the game in a few hours.
-Way too easy. There's very little challenge here, I played on "Hard" and breezed thru with little effort. On some stages I even got an S-Rank on my first go through without even really trying. No excuse for the game to be
that easy.
-They phoned in the story. The premise is decent (Eggman finally wins, now it's time to join the rebels and take back the world) but they didn't really do anything interesting with it and it ends up being another "defeat Eggman" story.
-Cheesy dialogue, but then again it's a Sonic game. The voice acting itself is actually decent, but the dialogue in some cases is pure cheese. I'm sure even kids get tired of these friendship speeches.
-Nothing much new aside from the custom character.
So yeah, 7/10 overall. Fun enough but it was over way too quick and there wasn't much new. Had it been a little longer and harder (

) I might've given it an 8/10.
Final verdict: It's decent, but don't expect much of a challenge. Like myself and
@Wild self said, if you liked Sonic Generations you'll like this, but if not then you won't like this one either.