I agree.
NYC always had gangs....it just didn't use to be Bloods & Crips.
Saigon & Tru-Life felt that it made NY look foolish to "Culture Vulture" LA's gang Culture.
I wish they had succeeded, but it ended up a whole nother way.
The Dips credibility never recovered from Tru-Life airing them out.
Dipset looked goofy around this time.
Cam was AWOL(dude had to take care of Mom'Ron so it's understandable), Tru still punched him in the eye with no getback.
Jim was keekeeing with 50 on that Rap City episode and making the camp look weak. Getting stage with him along with Juelz Bandana didn't help either. 50 strategically made Jim the leader to fill his ego and Jomo ended up playing into his hand.
Max having French film Jim hiding in the studio and calling the Jakes on them.
Cam's struggle video in the pool talmbout "It's a hot Summer"
Hell Rell and JR Writer selling the same amount of copies.
Jay-Z pulling Cam's video off the air(Jimmy Walker playing Jay was laughable)
Nas and Jay-Z clowning Cam on TV
Dips getting robbed and beat up too. JR Writer had the goons dancing with his chain too like they was on Soul Train.
40 Cal getting hit with the shovel by Loon
Bravehearts exposing Freekey Zeekey's paperwork.
French putting out the footage of Jim fights at the Rucker while Cam was running away like he was going to Africa.
Shiest Bub and them taking photos in the jewelry shop and thinking they robbed Tru-Life.
Max B beating up Jomo. Notice how he got all bulk since that encounter.
The London fiasco where Juelz and JR got kidnapped.
Hell Rell getting shot in the butt(pause) and having Max and French clown em in the diner.
French and Max watching the footage of Hell Rell getting smoked by Posta Boy on 106. Looking back, those two were ahead of times with the reaction videos.
Max B riding on Jim Ones' heels not too long later that year. Everyone was getting it from Max except for 40 and Cam.
French and his homies ethering Hell Rell on Worldstar. Dude cooked Rell with the "What color is your mother" line.
Dips were looking weak from 2006 to 2009.
Now fast forward to today and you'll see the Dips getting smoked by Jada, Styles, and Sheek. Zeekey was the most useless too dancing like a mascot.