Something that's never talked about in the black community is middle class kids that

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
maybe theres a communication gap on the part of one of us here. i never disagreed with any of this. im just pointing out the fact that yall are dealing with extremes....possibly because you dont have any actual experiences with the groups that we're supposed to be talking about?(i.e. dudey bringing up fictitous studies & statistics on some "smart-dumb nicca 101" chits as if theres some type of stenographer monitoring all the popular crowds in depth.:laugh:) or maybe yall drifted off-topic a bit and i missed it? - if thats the case, then i would sincerely say "my bad".
I'm speaking 100% from experience

you do know that you can speak "properly" without sounding white.....right? another extreme.
What exactly constitutes "sounding white"? Where does the distinction get made?

who the hell glorifies people like waka flocka? by glorified, do you mean as an entertainer?(and even then, i still have to give you the :wtf:)
No, I mean like someone people respect as a person. Maybe he was a bad example, but please dont lie and say you've never heard the term "yea so and so is doing this, but so and so is getting money, you have to respect that"...

And yes, Waka is respected, because his music wouldnt resonate with people if they didn't cosign the values he was presenting

socially, people like him are considered dumb niccas or sloppy. unless hes gooning, can play ball, CAN DO SOMETHING, or seems to just be tied in with "the click", hes usually considered to be "not in our class" and at best is just a guy that gets dapped up by the "popular" people he knows.
By who? :usure:

im sure it sounds funny reading this chit, but hey, i cant believe i actually had to explain it. and im willing to bet that waka flocka himself was a d*ck in school, unless he was really bout that street life(i.e. his compensation for being a d*ckhead).
The more you post, the more it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. "Im willing to bet" I dont need to guesstimate or make any extrapolations as to what might have been or what. Waka has a strong fanbase largely because of his image & supposed "street ties". I personally know a lot of dudes who emulate the values and mannerisms of folks like him and grew up with a lot of them. So don't present what you and your 3 friends in high school did as some universal norm.

and since you people want to play the deeply rooted card, where were you when kids used to get teased for being in the L.D. class? how about the way kids who had even the SLIGHTEST trouble reading would get teased un-mercifully?:whistle:

Never said kids didn't get teased for not being able to read well :manny: In fact I regularly reference that Jada line when people post some dyslexic shyt. But on the flip side, kids DO get teased for being "too smart" in many instances. Not sure how the existence of teasing on one extreme cancels out the existence of teasing on the other, but do you. Lol @ sayign "i agree with this", and then disagreeing with everything :ohh:


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
I got a friend who goes to fsu and said the same. kids are playdoh soft but wanna look like theyre thugging in a safe environment. its like theyre trying to prove their manhood at the same time theyre privileged. still, its stupid to me :stopitslime:

the crux of problem. i nearly fell into this when I moved to the burbs. when you dont fight in with the other kids you, you act out and the wannabes accept you. same thing happens in the hood or the city. when a white kid moves in and the nikkas dont respect him, he falls into the crazy cac role and he starts hanging out with cutthroat types.

thanks god i spent my summers with relatives in JC to remind me that shyt aint wavy:wow:


Apr 30, 2012
maybe theres a communication gap on the part of one of us here. i never disagreed with any of this. im just pointing out the fact that yall are dealing with extremes....possibly because you dont have any actual experiences with the groups that we're supposed to be talking about?(i.e. dudey bringing up fictitous studies & statistics on some "smart-dumb nicca 101" chits as if theres some type of stenographer monitoring all the popular crowds in depth.:laugh:) or maybe yall drifted off-topic a bit and i missed it? - if thats the case, then i would sincerely say "my bad".

you do know that you can speak "properly" without sounding white.....right? another extreme.

who the hell glorifies people like waka flocka? by glorified, do you mean as an entertainer?(and even then, i still have to give you the :wtf:) socially, people like him are considered dumb niccas or sloppy. unless hes gooning, can play ball, CAN DO SOMETHING, or seems to just be tied in with "the click", hes usually considered to be "not in our class" and at best is just a guy that gets dapped up by the "popular" people he knows.

im sure it sounds funny reading this chit, but hey, i cant believe i actually had to explain it. and im willing to bet that waka flocka himself was a d*ck in school, unless he was really bout that street life(i.e. his compensation for being a d*ckhead).

and since you people want to play the deeply rooted card, where were you when kids used to get teased for being in the L.D. class? how about the way kids who had even the SLIGHTEST trouble reading would get teased un-mercifully?:whistle:

You are the definition of a smart dumb nicca. Being anti-intellectual does not mean that people have lower intelligence. It means education is not valued the same way. This is why I stopped responding to you. You're over here arguing with me, a kid who grew up in the inner city, went to private and public schools, had friends that went to schools that were horrible that I didn't go to just because I was "gifted" went to an elite undergrad and an even more elite law school and sitting here like I'm a spectator.

My friends teach these kids, they are teachers. My younger cousins are these kids, some of my friends from both high school and undergrad ARE these kids. I've seen it all over the country. I've studied it in school, but you're so convinced of your own limited experience being applicable to the entire nation that you disavow years of research that talk about the African-American condition. You're so convinced of your own brilliance that you failed even realize when I was and wasn't referring to as a study. Meanwhile, you sat there and harped on cool like a clown without backing it up with any evidence except your own opinion. I thought this thread was dead otherwise I would not have bothered to come back to respond to you.

That just happens to be my New Year's resolution: don't argue pointless shyt.

You are the definition of someone who never learned how to support their arguments. You think you can just say things and it'll be cool. Go take sociology or African-American studies courses by BLACK scholars. The stuff you're arguing against is so rudimentary that it's laughable. Damn, homie. Oh, and I was far from upset...I was shocked at your willful ignorance.


May 10, 2012
I must be lucky than because I rarely got called white by other black kids, most of the ones on that bullshyt were the white kids


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
I saw this alot myself. I basically moved from the hood, to a low income area and then to the suburbs when I was in the 11th grade.

I saw all these dudes gangbanging and then walking into a 2 story house. I just didn't understand it, It used to piss my Dad off alot cause he had been working hard for years to move us away from the hood to see a different side of life just to see these kids who have everything try and act like they have nothing or have to "hustle"

I guess if you only see it on TV, Videos it probably looks cool and something you want to be a part of, but if you actually lived in that enviroment and had people close to you affected by Drugs, Gangs, Guns, and Murder. That sh!t just looks corny
May 20, 2012
My boyfriend's father is a teacher and one of his elementary students told him.

"Stop trying to preach to us man, we ain't gon change... We ain't gon be shyt... Just give it up." :smugdraper:

These kids today...

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
From what I seen rap music does a lot to influence these guys negatively
Crimson Breh the hottest rappers out are dudes like drake. It seems every popular rapper either just wants Love(Drake) or Peace(Wiz).
So why isn't everyone non violent.:jawalrus:

I do know what you talking about tho I grew up with nikkas who had both parents but still wanted to bang. shyt I grew up in middle class. Mom was taking care of me and my two sister. She was making about 45,000 and thats with hella Ot every week. Every male on my pops side is GD, including my pops. It really just comes down to the parents middle class or not .


Jun 7, 2012
Pacific Northwest by way of Dallas
Never amount to shyt.

I had a lot of dudes in my High school that came from two parent homes in good neighborhoods that started selling drugs, banging etc.

Same with the girl's so many of them got knocked up in high school

You got nikkas at college that walk around a acting tough, trying to fight at parties and shyt

We always harp on the hood nikkas that are doing bad, but it's a large percentage of non hood dudes that start doing dirt.

From what I seen rap music does a lot to influence these guys negatively

My ex was like this middle class fam, sold drugs, gang banged, only ever wanted to hoop, never wanted a legit 9 to 5 job despit having a degree, and now has a babymama.

Majestic Pape

The-Coli = W SOHH = L
Apr 30, 2012
Never amount to shyt.

I had a lot of dudes in my High school that came from two parent homes in good neighborhoods that started selling drugs, banging etc.

Same with the girl's so many of them got knocked up in high school

You got nikkas at college that walk around a acting tough, trying to fight at parties and shyt

We always harp on the hood nikkas that are doing bad, but it's a large percentage of non hood dudes that start doing dirt.

From what I seen rap music does a lot to influence these guys negatively

What is to blame when middle class white kids fukk it up for themselves?

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
What exactly constitutes "sounding white"? Where does the distinction get made

why should you even have to ask?:aicmon: is this a serious question?

No, I mean like someone people respect as a person. Maybe he was a bad example, but please dont lie and say you've never heard the term "yea so and so is doing this, but so and so is getting money, you have to respect that"...

:what: what does this have to do with what we're talking about?

And yes, Waka is respected, because his music wouldnt resonate with people if they didn't cosign the values he was presenting

waka is just somebody that people listen to in order to get hype. hes this era's luke/lil jon/dj kool/etc. that and people listen to him for lex luger's beats.

youre telling me that youve never heard anybody referred to as such or anything of that likeness? or at least see someone being referenced as such without actually saying it? please tell me that youre a female. and even then, its the same chit.

The more you post, the more it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. "Im willing to bet" I dont need to guesstimate or make any extrapolations as to what might have been or what. Waka has a strong fanbase largely because of his image & supposed "street ties". I personally know a lot of dudes who emulate the values and mannerisms of folks like him and grew up with a lot of them.

:damn:didnt i just go out of my way to include this in my last post? you muthasuckas man.

So don't present what you and your 3 friends in high school did as some universal norm.

it sounds moreso like youre the on thats doing this. not me.

Never said kids didn't get teased for not being able to read well :manny: In fact I regularly reference that Jada line when people post some dyslexic shyt. But on the flip side, kids DO get teased for being "too smart" in many instances. Not sure how the existence of teasing on one extreme cancels out the existence of teasing on the other, but do you. Lol @ sayign "i agree with this", and then disagreeing with everything :ohh:

i never said that one cancels out the other. im just saying that dumb isnt considered cool.

and lets be real, the kids that get mad and say that other kids are "too smart" are the ones that wished they had the right answer. that chit was always based on jealousy. and the jealous ones are SELECTIVE about the kids that they choose to call out. its plenty of kids that came up on the honor roll that never got called out for such(such as myself...plug) cuz niccas didnt want that headache.

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
You are the definition of a smart dumb nicca. Being anti-intellectual does not mean that people have lower intelligence. It means education is not valued the same way. This is why I stopped responding to you. You're over here arguing with me, a kid who grew up in the inner city, went to private and public schools, had friends that went to schools that were horrible that I didn't go to just because I was "gifted" went to an elite undergrad and an even more elite law school and sitting here like I'm a spectator.

My friends teach these kids, they are teachers. My younger cousins are these kids, some of my friends from both high school and undergrad ARE these kids. I've seen it all over the country. I've studied it in school, but you're so convinced of your own limited experience being applicable to the entire nation that you disavow years of research that talk about the African-American condition. You're so convinced of your own brilliance that you failed even realize when I was and wasn't referring to as a study. Meanwhile, you sat there and harped on cool like a clown without backing it up with any evidence except your own opinion. I thought this thread was dead otherwise I would not have bothered to come back to respond to you.

That just happens to be my New Year's resolution: don't argue pointless shyt.

You are the definition of someone who never learned how to support their arguments. You think you can just say things and it'll be cool. Go take sociology or African-American studies courses by BLACK scholars. The stuff you're arguing against is so rudimentary that it's laughable. Damn, homie. Oh, and I was far from upset...I was shocked at your willful ignorance.

:wtf:lol. you obviously dont know what a smart-dumb nicca is.

yes. i take the L. i was multi-tasking when i read that anti-intellectual chit. i lterally had to go back to the last page to see where i messed up. i admit when im wrong. no problem.

:stopitslime: i dont care where you been or claim to have been. go tell disney all your :duck:

if you would stop acting like such a smart-dumb nicca, you would know that im not even disagreeing with half or maybe even most of this. im just saying that its really not as deep as some of yall are trying to make it.

i dont need any dam studies or statistics. i lived it. and no im not speaking from the perspective of one little group or one little area either so dont even try to talk that chit(another tactic yall learned in smart-dumb nicca 101). what the hell type of data could they possibly have on what IM TALKING ABOUT anyway? like i asked earlier, do they have a stenographer present, following these clicks around and observing all of their mannerisms, what they do, how they communicate, etc?

like i said, you gotta live it. this chit that you in here talking is smart-dumb nicca speak. but i dont know. i get the feeling that we're not really arguing over the same topic. if youre not, then let it be known. i just put all my cards on the table.

and yes, you are upset.:shaq:

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
alot of people are hitting this middle class chit right on the head but the lines seem to blurred concerning the terms "middle class" & "black" with some of you.