There were separate parts of the bill yes - but have you paid attention to the rhetoric of the people adding in those other parts. One one side you have politicians who want to protect citizens rights.. on the other side you have people who want background checks + all that other sh1t. There really isn't too many in between- which is why those people added in all that sh1t and cause the bill to fail.First off those were seperate parts of the bill. The assult weapon/clip size ban could have been denied, while the rest was passed.
Second the "assult weapons" ban is not intrusive in my opinion. You say clip limitations don't make sense. Well I say huge clip sizes don't makes sense, unless you plan on killing a bunch of people. Same with ASSULT weapons. They were created for military use, it doesn't make sense that citizens have them.
And to your "criminals don't follow rules" argument. Why do we have any laws? Criminals don't follow them anyway. We should just throw out all the laws and the good people will be good
We have rules so that if someone breaks them, they can be punished and rehabilitated. We have an a prison system filled with millions of non-violent criminals because of retarded drug legislation. Now we want proposals that will fine and lock people up because they have clips that can hold more than 7 or 10 bullets??? I could clear my entire office out right now with a revolver - so all of those proposals are pretty stupid and illogical.
One thing that your mind doesn't seem to understand is that it literally doesn't matter if you 'feel' that 11 bullets is too many to have in a weapon at one time. The fact is that the word 'huge' is a subjective term and basically a random as hell opinion. There are rifles that are considered assault weapons .... and to ban those would be very intrusive. -- AND actually not stop violence, limited mass murders, help this issue in ANY way whatsoever... so why do it? Are we going to really be sooo weak that we ban certain items simply to make ourselves feel good about the situation?
What is going to happen when we limited clips, limited types of weapons, require more extensive background checks (even tho the current ones aren't bad in most states), do all the other things in the proposal... and the problem isn't solved or helped at all? How is that good feeling we get- going to feel when the next crazy person blows up a school? or when some takes a hand gun and pops 7 people, reloads and pops another 7? Or when a man stabs his mother wife and children?
Assault weapons are used in a minority of mass shootings. Few mental-health red flags came up before most of the shootings. Domestic violence played a role in 40 percent of mass shootings. At least 11 of the shooters were prohibited from owning guns.
— This week, the Department of Homeland Security released its own study looking at the profile of mass shooters since 1999. One key takeaway? They tended to be young males acting alone using handguns. And very few were ex-military.
So because we are the type of nation that goes into a 10+ year conflict with Iraq over 9-11 when that nation had nothing to do with the sh1t. Because we are the type of nation that give out wealth over to central banks. Because we type of nation that spreads unlimited amounts of money and resources on a fake war on drugs..... I guess it makes sense that we aren't putting 100% of the focus in early childhood programs, and mental health programs. We actually believe that we could have prevented most mass killings and that those things aren't just a fact of life in our culture and environment.