Somalis and Arrogance


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
And what has Allah done for them . Religious wars and fundamentalism has not only fukked up Somalia and at one point Ethiopia, islam isolated perhaps the Horn of Africas greatest Empire Aksum and divided Cushytes against each other even though we all come from common lineage and we were all once apart of a greater empire. If Islam didnt isolate aksum, we would have been a force of stability for the horn of Africa. And lets not forget Aksumite/Abyssinian Christians saved your prophet so we were never about that Christian vs Muslim shyt in the beginning. If Aksum continued to prosper and the Arab colonialists actually obeyed their prophets commands to leave Ethiopia and its territories alone, we would have been a regional superpower that would have guided the Horn of Africa to first world status and perhaps even become a regional superpower with regionalinfluence. Instead now everyone in the Horn is a puppet for either the Arabs in the peninsula or the West. Islam aint shyt. Islam has onlynserved the interests of Arab colonisalists.
Oh we gon get into this argument AGAIN


This shyt sounds like a broken record. Do you breh, and let Slaimon do him.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
We're in bad shape right now but once we put aside the tribal nonsense it's a wrap. We might even link up with the Habashi akhis from accross the border :banderas:

lol, them nikkaz ain't fukkin wit yall. Ethiopian Muslims gotta be the most level-headed non extremist people in the Islamic faith. Our culture is too inclusive religiously for our Muslims to beef with the Christians. Just be glad Ethiopia so friendly, if I ran that shyt I'da conquered all yall nikkaz on some true Amhara shyt. :ahh:

Dushane Hill

Mar 8, 2015
Squamish, British Columbia
I grew up in an area with a fair few Somali heads. I don't see why so many people have a problem with them.

The older generation just seem to keep themselves to themselves and go about their business. The younger generation can be savage though (I've seen this on multiple occasions). But overall I've never had any problems or issues wit them. They cool.

Sometimes I think because they're so oppressed they've lost interest in fully integrating themselves into western societies. I think thats what OP might be getting at.
May 26, 2012
Some Africans. Nigerians are arrogant only because there are so many of them, so many that other West Africans refer to them as "The Mexicans of Africa". More living in the West working for white people instead providing stable electricity in their own country. It's not like they are building infrastructure, they are begging foreign investors like the rest. They are supposedly traditional and conservative yet someone likes a lot of raw sex with those damned birthrates Nigerians love White Jesus more than Black American grannies of yore. I will stop being a bigot here.

Ethiopians are beautiful people with a wonderful history who have never been colonized and they stick together. Probably the only blacks who have their own concentrated neighborhoods, wealth, businesses outside of their countries such as Little Ethiopia in DC, LA, and Capetown equivalent to any Little Italy and Chinatown USA. Probably can tell who I am partial too. Also, never seen a White Jesus on a coptic cross. East Africans are proud people and just stick together, which is not a bad thing. Based on geography they (East Africans) have encountered Euros, Arabs, and seafaring Asians for millenias while maintaining autonomy. Besides they are attractive, fit, hardworking, and nice people with awesome food. I love Habeshas :smile: Injera :blessed:



All Star
Sep 17, 2014
lol, them nikkaz ain't fukkin wit yall. Ethiopian Muslims gotta be the most level-headed non extremist people in the Islamic faith. Our culture is too inclusive religiously for our Muslims to beef with the Christians. Just be glad Ethiopia so friendly, if I ran that shyt I'da conquered all yall nikkaz on some true Amhara shyt. :ahh:
:snoop:You're really gonna go there ....Amharas may not be in power but the shyt we did to ensure our reign continued is partly the reason why we had the Derge and the Eritrean fiasco. I may be half Amhara, but sometimes I feel ashamed about Amharic roots when I see Amharas celebrating the pasts like it's an achievement to subjugate and terrorise other ethnic groups . Just being real.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
:snoop:You're really gonna go there ....Amharas may not be in power but the shyt we did to ensure our reign continued is partly the reason why we had the Derge and the Eritrean fiasco. I may be half Amhara, but sometimes I feel ashamed about Amharic roots when I see Amharas celebrating the pasts like it's an achievement to subjugate and terrorise other ethnic groups . Just being real.

lol, it's just jokes. My best friend Eritrean and everytime I talk that unity talk it's "Oh, that's the Amhara in you tryna conquer shyt." There's two sides to every coin, Ethiopia has the modern legacy it has partly because of the Amharas and Tigrays. I think as long as there is understanding that there were wrongdoings during the Imperial era it's ok to take pride in the good things they did. Yohannes, Menelik, and Selassie all created a legacy of Ethiopia fighting back and standing eye to eye with outsiders. But they also did fukked up things too and things I don't agree with. Oromos bytchin about Menelik as if he didn't have Oromo ancestry. :yeshrug:

Honestly, the follies of the Selassie reign comes just as much from the political rivals around him as it does from his own missteps. It's a tall order to go from a feudal society to a modern one in under a century let alone under 50 years so certain shyt did and didn't mesh. If Selassie respects the Eritrean federation then there would be no split to begin with. But would his vassals in Eritrea go for that? Selassie outlawed slavery in the 20s but his rivals to the south weren't gonna give up their plantations.

The complexities of "Amhara" vs "Galla" is much deeper than portrayed and cannot be painted quite the same as Black oppression in the Diaspora. Amhara is a medieval term which meant you were "free" or in other words you were baptized. "Galla" meant you were pagan worshipping and uncircumcised so it didn't just mean Oromo it mean Sidamo, Ananuk, Gambella, etc. That's why the govt using ethnic/tribal politics is fukkin stupid cuz the history behind it is very deep and hardly taught enough to be used in such ways.


Tupac KONY and GOAT
Jun 23, 2013
Not trying to shyt on them as a whole, but the biggest white girl worshiper I ever met was a Somali.
Talking about "nah, bruh i wanna marry a white girl."

Sad thing is 2 becky's got breh fired.

"Sexual Harrasment" they said.
If you ever met a ton of somalis you would know that they hate white people.


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
lol, it's just jokes. My best friend Eritrean and everytime I talk that unity talk it's "Oh, that's the Amhara in you tryna conquer shyt." There's two sides to every coin, Ethiopia has the modern legacy it has partly because of the Amharas and Tigrays. I think as long as there is understanding that there were wrongdoings during the Imperial era it's ok to take pride in the good things they did. Yohannes, Menelik, and Selassie all created a legacy of Ethiopia fighting back and standing eye to eye with outsiders. But they also did fukked up things too and things I don't agree with. Oromos bytchin about Menelik as if he didn't have Oromo ancestry. :yeshrug:

Honestly, the follies of the Selassie reign comes just as much from the political rivals around him as it does from his own missteps. It's a tall order to go from a feudal society to a modern one in under a century let alone under 50 years so certain shyt did and didn't mesh. If Selassie respects the Eritrean federation then there would be no split to begin with. But would his vassals in Eritrea go for that? Selassie outlawed slavery in the 20s but his rivals to the south weren't gonna give up their plantations.

The complexities of "Amhara" vs "Galla" is much deeper than portrayed and cannot be painted quite the same as Black oppression in the Diaspora. Amhara is a medieval term which meant you were "free" or in other words you were baptized. "Galla" meant you were pagan worshipping and uncircumcised so it didn't just mean Oromo it mean Sidamo, Ananuk, Gambella, etc. That's why the govt using ethnic/tribal politics is fukkin stupid cuz the history behind it is very deep and hardly taught enough to be used in such ways.

:ohhh:That explains why oromo people are so diverse. I know Oromos who looked like they could pass as habesha and those who look Sidamo and Ive always thought why they looked nothing alike despite being of the same ethnicity. Are there books that explain this history.

I never did take the Oromo narrative seriously as I know that from my own Harari background, they also did considerable expansion into the Hararge highlands and they commited a fukk load of crimes themselves against the gurage and Harari people. They also destroyed Harars wealth and prestige. There's plenty of stories of massacres of Hadere children who went out of the city gates to explore the Hararge country side. 300 children died because the Oromo tribesmen in that area wanted lay waste to Harar and he knew the best way to do that is to attack the next generation. Then there's the countless raids. We had to build a 20 km wall to protect Hadere citizens known as jugol. Anyway, are most Amharas mixed with Oromos.:ohhh: My dad who died when I was young came from the Northern area of Amhara, I think gondor and distrusted most central Amharas because he thought they were Gallas in denial or something.:mjlol:
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Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
:snoop:You're really gonna go there ....Amharas may not be in power but the shyt we did to ensure our reign continued is partly the reason why we had the Derge and the Eritrean fiasco. I may be half Amhara, but sometimes I feel ashamed about Amharic roots when I see Amharas celebrating the pasts like it's an achievement to subjugate and terrorise other ethnic groups . Just being real.

Amharas seem to have too much pride, from the little I know of them through my mom.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
:ohhh:That explains why oromo people are so diverse. I know Oromos who looked like they could pass as habesha and those who look Sidamo and Ive always thought why they looked nothing alike despite being of the same ethnicity. Are there books that explain this history.

I never did take the Oromo narrative seriously as I know that from my own Harari background, they also did considerable expansion into the Hararge highlands and they commited a fukk load of crimes themselves against the gurage and Harari people. They also destroyed Harars wealth and prestige. There's plenty of stories of massacres of Hadere children who went out of the city gates to explore the Hararge country side. 300 children died because the Oromo tribesmen in that area wanted lay waste to Harar and he knew the best way to do that is to attack the next generation. Then there's the countless raids. We had to build a 20 km wall to protect Hadere citizens known as jugol. Anyway, are most Amharas mixed with Oromos.:ohhh: My dad who died when I was young came from the Northern area of Amhara, I think gondor and distrusted most central Amharas because he thought they were Gallas in denial or something.:mjlol:

My paternal grandmother was Oromo so I have Amhara, Tigray, and Oromo ancestry. Most books that really go in on the particulars of tribal history in Ethiopia are written in Amharic so I have to ask elders like my stepfather who were able to read and gain this knowledge.

Oromos are diverse from all the interaction with the other groups in Ethiopia. They definitely have had a hard time but the Oromo migration wasn't just some innocent shyt they took advantage of the chaos between Abyssinia and Adal as you mentioned and flat out set up shop in territories that weren't theirs and it was through no benevolent means that they were able to do this. But Oromos were also able to adjust and blend into highland society so the tension wasn't on-going. That's why its a slight difference between highland Oromos and lowland Oromos. It's like the behavior they display now is not only disingenuous but also counterproductive and divisive. I personally didn't see any discrimination against Oromos when I went to Ethiopia but some behave as though its fukkin Apartheid South Africa or some shyt. That's why its very important to weed out the demagogues from the real leaders that want to bring improvement.

That's the problem with people using history to argue their case. Everyone has an argument in Ethiopia, hell its a shock Ethiopia isn't closed off like Eritrea with the way outside forces have caused the country to be so underdeveloped. If every group acted on their gripes and settled some of these long standing disputes the whole Horn of Africa would be in a state of chaos. Why shouldn't Tigrays or Afars feel a kinda way about Eritrea or Djibouti? Why shouldn't Amharas and Tigrays resent Oromos for letting themselves in the highlands? Why shouldn't Agaws be pissed at everyone since they were the original highlanders? Why shouldn't Beta Israel be insulted by the disrespect they've endured despite being one of the most integral groups in Ethiopia's history and development? This shyt would never end.

Amharas seem to have too much pride, from the little I know of them through my mom.

Cuz we was the nobles, elites, and merchants most of the time. Amharas claim Menelik II and Selassie (whom are also both part Oromo) while Tigrays claim Yohannes IV. In all cases, they were dealing with europeans on a level that Africans weren't at the time. So that along with the already rich history tends to give a real sense of pride to Amharas. However, that pride can and oftentimes is blinding for many people that they can't acknowledge the bad only the good. It goes as far as pure bloods and mixed breeds, I'm not at all a pureblood Amhara but culturally I am Amhara so for some Amharas I'm not real and for others it doesn't matter. Same case with Oromos, I'm part Oromo and some would teach me words and teach me about the people while others might kill me if they knew I had a drop of Amhara blood in me. It's crazy as shyt, but our pride is our shield and what drives us.


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
My paternal grandmother was Oromo so I have Amhara, Tigray, and Oromo ancestry. Most books that really go in on the particulars of tribal history in Ethiopia are written in Amharic so I have to ask elders like my stepfather who were able to read and gain this knowledge.

Oromos are diverse from all the interaction with the other groups in Ethiopia. They definitely have had a hard time but the Oromo migration wasn't just some innocent shyt they took advantage of the chaos between Abyssinia and Adal as you mentioned and flat out set up shop in territories that weren't theirs and it was through no benevolent means that they were able to do this. But Oromos were also able to adjust and blend into highland society so the tension wasn't on-going. That's why its a slight difference between highland Oromos and lowland Oromos. It's like the behavior they display now is not only disingenuous but also counterproductive and divisive. I personally didn't see any discrimination against Oromos when I went to Ethiopia but some behave as though its fukkin Apartheid South Africa or some shyt. That's why its very important to weed out the demagogues from the real leaders that want to bring improvement.

That's the problem with people using history to argue their case. Everyone has an argument in Ethiopia, hell its a shock Ethiopia isn't closed off like Eritrea with the way outside forces have caused the country to be so underdeveloped. If every group acted on their gripes and settled some of these long standing disputes the whole Horn of Africa would be in a state of chaos. Why shouldn't Tigrays or Afars feel a kinda way about Eritrea or Djibouti? Why shouldn't Amharas and Tigrays resent Oromos for letting themselves in the highlands? Why shouldn't Agaws be pissed at everyone since they were the original highlanders? Why shouldn't Beta Israel be insulted by the disrespect they've endured despite being one of the most integral groups in Ethiopia's history and development? This shyt would never end.

Cuz we was the nobles, elites, and merchants most of the time. Amharas claim Menelik II and Selassie (whom are also both part Oromo) while Tigrays claim Yohannes IV. In all cases, they were dealing with europeans on a level that Africans weren't at the time. So that along with the already rich history tends to give a real sense of pride to Amharas. However, that pride can and oftentimes is blinding for many people that they can't acknowledge the bad only the good. It goes as far as pure bloods and mixed breeds, I'm not at all a pureblood Amhara but culturally I am Amhara so for some Amharas I'm not real and for others it doesn't matter. Same case with Oromos, I'm part Oromo and some would teach me words and teach me about the people while others might kill me if they knew I had a drop of Amhara blood in me. It's crazy as shyt, but our pride is our shield and what drives us.
Were the Amharas only affected by the Oromo expansion or did they expand into Tigray and Tigrenya(Eritrea) aswell. Are there any books on this:ohhh:Is it assumed that everyone in the highlands have oromo ancestry.
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Were the Amharas only affected by the Oromo expansion or did they expand into Tigray and Tigrenya(Eritrea) aswell. Are there any books on this:ohhh:

I know they were in Wollo and made it up to Gondar. I can't recall from my readings if they made it to Tigray but if they did it was very small numbers. The ones in Eritrea was from when they were united with Ethiopia. Oromos are mostly in Ethiopia and parts of Somalia/Kenya.


May 20, 2013
"Kenya gettin bullied and slapped up by yall,"

Please clarify that statement. I'm Kenyan,living here and trust me when I say I'M CLUED IN! The 2013 Westgate false flag involved Al Shabab shooters,the following year they were hired to kill Kenyans in Lamu and recently they were again used in the Garissa massacre. Do you have any idea how many KIA they took when the KDF invaded S Somalia??
Do you have any idea how many Al Shabab militants were killed in the bigger battles of Hosingow and Afmadow or the smaller firefights in nameless dusty places all over sector 2 which is the KDF zone in S Somalia?


All Star
May 25, 2012
lol, them nikkaz ain't fukkin wit yall. Ethiopian Muslims gotta be the most level-headed non extremist people in the Islamic faith. Our culture is too inclusive religiously for our Muslims to beef with the Christians. Just be glad Ethiopia so friendly, if I ran that shyt I'da conquered all yall nikkaz on some true Amhara shyt. :ahh:
Faith runs deeper than blood :shaq: