Non Bantu people are black as well regardless of what you heard. Their features are not from mixing or cacs. Now whether or not these people consider themselves black is a whole other discussion. When Somalis say they ain't black they really mean Bantus which is true but some make it a racist thing. In all these sub grouping of black people skin tone also varies and being light is not an exclusive byproduct of CAC mixing.
We need a real lesson about our people and race. Missinformation is so rampant.
There is absolutely nothing complicated about race in the horn. Bantus, Nilotes and Kushytes are all groupings of people in the black race....majority of us are decended from the Bantu family tree so we take that as the dominant black representation of the race as a whole which isn't true.Race in the Horn of Africa is complicated. Its usually featurist based. When you look like this
And the only other people you interact with is this
You tend to think think of yourself as differentIt happens all the time when a people dont interact with the world. Minor differences become huge to those who havent seen proper diversity. Most somalis I know who came from somalia and who were
realise theyre black once they start dealing with cacs and they have their first nikka moment.
Non Bantu people are black as well regardless of what you heard. Their features are not from mixing or cacs. Now whether or not these people consider themselves black is a whole other discussion. When Somalis say they ain't black they really mean Bantus which is true but some make it a racist thing. In all these sub grouping of black people skin tone also varies and being light is not an exclusive byproduct of CAC mixing.
We need a real lesson about our people and race. Missinformation is so rampant.