Dude I’m doing ok, I make a living wage and have ample savings/assets
Even with that said, that doesn’t change that my group is an economic bottom caste because of slavery, and the subsequent denial/theft of wealth my group has faced over generations. The only way my group can collectively get out of our state, is by reparations.
Very interesting that you and
@2Quik4UHoes came to this country by choice, yet are telling/agreeing w/ the notion that ADOS simply make poor decisions or have a poor mindset, even though it’s well documented what we faced and still go through today.
I was born here, my parents had to escape a murderous dictator that was leaving dead bodies in the streets everyday. This was after the CIA propped up the Emperor for way too long for their own Cold War goals and left him for dead after Ethiopia was no longer useful. This type of thing played out in many parts of the world, so it’s not exactly “by choice” in the sense of “oh, America sounds great let’s go!” but rather “We likely dead if we stay, so we need to make it out”. Besides, how’s America gon do dirt at home and abroad and not face consequences? Just like y’all want them to give y’all reparations, many Black immigrants wanted America to give them peace and stability that was taken from them by these cacs.
No one is even denying that AAs don’t face systemic racism. But I also won’t sit here and act as if all hope is lost unless Big Daddy Federal Govt finally decides to have a heart and redress these 400 year old issues. All while scoffing at the idea of Black people uniting on all fronts. I actually live and see that shyt every fukkin day breh my work is in a very much Pan Africanist style and fashion. I’m not in the woe is me parade, Black people are so exceptional and incredible that cacs have to cheat lie and steal worldwide to get theirs.
So no, I don’t think it’s just some poor decision making. I think that Malcolm came along and broke many psychological chains that are slowly being refitted over decades by the destruction of the community, mass incarceration, drug epidemics, racist policies in housing/finance, etc. These are things that have been fought against and overcome before by Black people in this country and can still be fought against and overcome. Yet somehow it seems like that’s been forgotten in exchange for asking the criminal to do right by you. And you’ve now adopted more Black people from outside of the U.S. into your ranks that agree with your sentiments and have shared in some of the burdens of being Black in America. But somehow that should be completely separate? Nah, AAs taught me how to survive this country, they married into my
family, so that’s always family not some outside group that I shouldn’t align with. Y’all really let a few c00ns make y’all think Africans and Caribbean’s don’t love y’all when that’s false.
The fact that you refer to your ancestors as slaves only makes me cringe too. You’re the descendants of survivors and of truly strong human beings. I think of them as survivors of the worst atrocities in recorded human history. I think of them as the best of all of us Africans. Not just some object for the white mans use. That’s fukked up.