Dragon Ball > Naruto > Naruto Shippuden = DBZ
I will always prefer the OG DB over everything because I just like the old school style of fighting they did rather than the flashy shyt that comes in later series. No summarizing moves and bullshyt like that, just fisticuffs .
Same reason I would put Naruto up there, though it started to have the shonen archetypes I hate... It had decent character development... And it introduced the world to Guy. Though the anime should have ended after the Sasuke fight.
Shippuden and DBZ I do enjoy, but they both fell off hard from their predecessors. They went from everyone being a competent fighter to the same 2 or 3 people going God mode on everyone. They both should have ended way earlier then they did (Pain and Cell) . And the fillers in their amines got on my nerves... DBZ would take 5 seasons to charge a spirit bomb... And Shippuden would throw a string of random ass fillers in the middle of an arc.