you should peep the shop though. it's right on 9th between washington and collins. they got some dope shyt in there
might make the trip to go there on thursday evening, hit the shop up, then go to wet willies

you should peep the shop though. it's right on 9th between washington and collins. they got some dope shyt in there
might make the trip to go there on thursday evening, hit the shop up, then go to wet willies![]()
at least the Gawd char knows the names of some tricks.. I'll give him that much..remind me of the kids at the park:
me: what are you trying?
kid: 540 flip to darkslide to nose manny out
me: can you even boardslide that rail?
kid: no...![]()
I don't really be at south beach much, unless its to go to a club. props though homie, much more success to you and your future
i got into thgame, relatively early..first procontest was Munster '92..
and, Rays still around.. hes really good people.. i shot a spread wearing his limited issue Vans a few years back, and he personally shot me a pair.. even after everything, that was huge to me.. i looked up to that dude so much growing up, and for him to do that was a huge honor..
u still mees around on the board, much..? alot of folks from back in the day been getting back in the scene heavy.. good seeing old friends i grew up with, pros, etc back out there just having fun with it
for the limited board- yes.. one of the few times I got residuals.. other than that, its usually a flat rate.. anywhere from $2-5k monthly for boards, plus other sponsors pay well.. a 4/5k a month, plus all the travel, product, etc just to do what you love aint a bad deal.. especially in the 90s/early 2000s.. now, kids alot of these kids are seeing that Tony Hawk/Christian Hosoi/Gator dough.. them cats were making like 30k/month on boards alone in the mid-80s..
from what I gather, alot of people have skated with dude.. some of the best.. he just don't got it.. he's too worried about things that have absolutely nothing to do with skateboarding..
imo, its like he knows hes lost a huge part of his hip-hop fanbase, so he's literally reaching for anything to remain in the public eye.. his music doesn't seem to have the sameeffect it did years ago, so he has to find a way to keep his name out there at all costs.. be interesting to see if he actually stuck with skating.. i don't think he will.. he'll probly get some kinda "injury", that will prevent him from ever skating again and his dumb ass fans will eat it up..
my best friend growin up, had the Twig Stix.. man, I remember when that Chris Miller Schmitt Stix dropped with the pointy nose..that board, was one of the first skinny street boards with concave and, that shyt was TOO sweet..
btw, Natas ollied the cowin Ohio Skaetout.. he didnt skate Savanna Slamma.. Savanna Slamma was the contest Gonz rode up the 6ft quarter, and front board UP that tall rail.. that shyt was epic.. one of the first videos I ever saw.. I was hooked on street from that point, because my first few years I really only skated vert & pools..![]()
THIS was poppin back in the day..
speaking of stix!
this was my favorite ad!
skate or die went hard, too(this is the nike marketing retread for the dunk, which was nostslgia, personified)
i still remember drawing or copying these shyt's, back then!!
art barr
Natas was the man back then. I remember he ollied that cow at Savanna Slamma or whatever. there was all that talk that his name was 'satan' spelled backwards. I remember his story was that his parents though he was gonna be a girl and wanted to name him Natasha. but then he said 'fukk it' and ran with it with that 101 deck
Lucero's still skating.. actually, his board company is made/distributed by Paul Schmitt..
THIS was poppin back in the day..
this game right here use to give me fits
manTHIS was poppin back in the day..