I had no idea that character was the one that was gonna die. I read online after that some people had a feeling it was it. I wasn't even thinking of that person at all, even thru the marathon until I saw tonight. That's how complex and vast the Simpson's world is. Even the episode title didn't bring me any ideas to my head. What's funny is the clue was Emmy winner and I was thinking inside the box not outside, if you get my drift. I liked the episode regardless. I'm excited for the next crossover episode, hopefully within next few weeks and the treehouse of horrors with guest stars from the past. Far as the Simpson's guy, I loved it. The jabs and jokes were on point and they mashed the characters well. So many differences but so many similarities between the two shows. I liked that they worked together to create this experience for the fans. Hopefully they both have good seasons. The Simpson's world and fxx hopefully help them get more fans back on Fox.