SOHH we ain't gon talk about TSC harboring and enabling trannies?

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Apr 30, 2012
Gotta slide in this thread like


Just to say I told you so.

:lupe: What did you say?

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014


cause I went in theladies thread one time and electriclady talmbout he/she a lesbian from no where. then he/she say that he/she is jealous of females and hate them sometimes so much that it wants to fukk them.:mjlol:

im just being wary of girls who say they are les/bi on here. tryna come off as a freaky/pornish to attract men... maybe that's a code word that they probably a tranny.

you just might get some "freaky" sex.:shaq::lolbron::scust:

Capo Dei Capi

Fukk a studio thug, I'm a skinny jeans bigot
May 2, 2012
I wasn't going hard for bliss. I just said that even though the people with the bullhorns were yelling she got dikk pics from people, she herself said she did not..
But I posted quotes from @O RLY 's thread that say different. So she either lied to you or the coli (again :upsetfavre:)

Also the spoilered is an EXTREME case of 'going hard' for somebody. You can't lie to the coli fakkit

These aren't even half of your replies caping for @Bliss
Bliss is most likely telling the truth.

Search results are not static. They change from person to person because part of the algorythym google/bing uses tries to input tastes specific to the user.
If I enter "wshh" my #1 result is Worldstar.
But for a cac in middle america, its gonna be for example.

:snoop: Scientifically he's actually right. Thats depressing.
Tolerance leads to acceptance to integration to marginalization of norms, in all cases. As of 2014 half of young adults have tatoos. Your grandma didn't know anyone with a tatoo. Lift stigmas and things become rampant.
The LGBT agenda is doing this with unseen proficiency.

Its behavioral psychology. People don't compartmentallize their proclivaties, they merely surpress them until they feel comfortable. If/when they feel comfortable on this board again, they will revert to posting what they want as opposed to what others want them to. That goes for everyone, not just the people in question. It also works in reverse. If pressured into a corner or overwhelmed to feel victimized or persecuted they may similarly 'lash out' and post whatever they want.

Again, basic psychology, not specific to them or singling them out. :yeshrug:

My advice would be ban them, or give them a place to go... a group or a subforum or whatever. Anything else is almost cruel.

You ever see a smoker who can't smoke at work so they are smoking behind buildings and in bathroom stalls and just looking overall worn down... Thats why managment draws up a little area and says "keep it over there" and there and everyday like clockwork there are 20 people huddled in a corner smoking. :pachaha: But thats done because the alternatives have been proven to fail or result in fukkery. And certainly in resentment, which leads to low productivity.

"The wolves at my rep?" You sound stupid.

I don't ask for rep. I don't even post in free dap/rep threads. I have rep because I post useful and informative information, help people, and speak on issues no one else seem to be willing to address.
You seem to spout a consistant stream of foolishness. You also seem to have an aversion to reading... like that makes you smart or cool or something.

That you have a mountain of rep is merely a testament to how worthless it truely is. Or, that you stay circlejerking nikkas.

Why don't you just put me on ignore? Then you can scroll through threads til you see a buddy to dap or a funny picture and let the grown ups talk in peace.

But thats not so. Or rather, it would appear so on the surface, but it was engineered to appear that way.
In all moral panics, interacial integration, satanism, water shortage, xenophobia, terrorism, pedophilia, homosexuality... you have things that the majority are outspokenly scared of, so whoever is in charge rushes to pass policy that appeases the masses without considering the long term effect. You also have stories purported as fact at the time that later turn out to be completely made up. This is not isolated to this occurance. Its one of the traits of the phenomenon. I already made the comparason of the US needing to fabricate weapons of mass destruction to invade Iraq, but thats essentially what happened with the manufactured story of people sending pictures to Bliss being used to co-sign nuking the tranny people. Normal people needed to feel scared enough that "oh no this is coming for me, I could be a victim" so that the up-tops would have the public approval to act, to appease the mob. Its not anything new. This happens all the time with all sorts of things. Ridiculous widespread fabrications of satanists kidnapping and sacrificing children, kids having crazy sex parties with lipsticks and wristbands, blacks coming for your women, gays coming for your men, illegals coming for your jobs, and of course trannys trying to sneakily get you into a gay trap somehow making you gay.

What are the instances of them bothering anyone?
They said they were going to, but that was in private at a point were they had not yet were already under suervellance. Its completely possible that they were not even serious.

If you are in a group spying on folk then any action taken by them is retalitory, because they are already being persecuted.

You are good now, I just turned down your yelling. By ignoring your henchmen, it scales you back down to one voice on my screen. I don't have robots chiming in.
But since you are the puppeteer for an entire group of people, your voice is noteworthy despite being brash and uninformed. So ignoring you would merely be arrogance on my part.
I don't ignore people who disagree, I ignore people who can't think for themself.

The rep system is not a respected system. You don't even respect it.
You guys have rep threads circle jerking each other. You also believe your opinion means more than the other people on the site that I helped who legitamately repped me in the first place.

Its a behavioral tool. Make believe.

Keep your false dichotomies. I'm not a tranny or a tranny fukker. I'm an educated person explaining to a frenzied mob the concept of moral panic.

What I said was the steps they are taking to prevent the perceived problem (deleting the tranny group) is going to backfire becauseit is poorly thought out.
The concept of an isolated room is to keep whatever is in there segmented from the general population.

I don't care what opinion you hold, as long as it is your opinion. I put them on ignore cause they can't think for themself.
If they are gonna move and act as a hivemind, there is only a point in talking to a singular representative for their entire group. The others are just taking orders. They are puppets.

I think I might take smoke off ignore and put 2meo on actually... he seems like less of a drama queen.

Regarding you... :patrice:
You hopped in the convo and don't seem to know whats going on... but at least you do seem to be tryna figure it out... so thats a good start, ignorant as that post is...
edit: nope. Another puppet. Ignore list updated. :pachaha:

Bliss said nobody sent her any pictures. She said it in this thread.

If you intercepted some private stash of dikk pics that we don't know about, then thats another thread entirely.:usure:
You got secret dikk evidence the way you had undercover tranny suerveillance?

People simping over her or him or whatever it is... isn't that the simps fault?
Traps like those miss real nikkas 100% of the time.

Only way you get 'tricked' into simping over fake bytches, is if you were simping over what you thought was a real bytch. Either way, you a simp... so you get what simps get.



What did you ban dude for?
Its funny... but still.

That just confirms what I already thought. You have no real posistions to stand on so you just stiffle arguement.

What do you mean neg you too? I didn't neg you, even though I could. Merit/demerit systems are there to keep the ignorant within conformity. Smart people simply ignore them like any other skinner box or behavioral tool.
I don't know any of the people you are refering to. I know who Bliss is, but that is because you guys largely. She has never posted anything substantial in my opinion... But she is a recurring topic in 'hetero' threads such as this :usure:
But again, on the topic of obsession... why are you tagging those people? Why are you PMing your henchmen, and filling my alerts with your shytposts? Why would you derail your own thread to continue trying to talk to me?

I told you like two messages in, put me on ignore cause what I'm talking about is over your head. I mean, you literally stated its over your reading level, so at that point the converstation should be over.

You are talking out your ass again... Like I didn't read the first post and you don't know who I am. I am only in this thread because you tagged me in the first post. I've never tagged you in anything or asked for your advice or opinion.
You seem to have an excuse not to ignore me...
:usure: Suspect, but whatever. Just quit talking to me then.

If you have never seen me before then it really is sad that your rep is that high, cause they know me in the Ferguson thread, and the Ebola thread, and anywhere else anything important is being discussed.
Apparently you were busy staking out tranny threads for "evidence" so I can see why we haven't crossed paths.

I argue with people like Napolean or Wenzel all the time. But they at least can formulate opinions. People that ask questions then indicate they aren't gonna read the answer go in the :trash:
Thats why you stay asking questions. Cause you have cheated yourself out of the answers by not reading.

If you start reading and following along, you'll know whats going on.

That you can rally all these people into action (of any sort) like closing down a group, or even a mock showing like negging them, but simultaneously say things to indicate you have no real understanding of the broader situation or interest in more information regarding it is quite disturbing.

You saw a fire and your instinct is to throw water at it... but you are so in your zone you don't have the sense to listen to the person telling you its a grease fire.
So, I tell you what. I'ma let this play out and stop tryna talk sense into you guys cause even given evidence of what I said was gonna happen (CakeEater posting tranny shyt in JBO) nobody is listening.
But when these guys start up again anf your pawgs start showing up with dikks, don't say I didn't warn you.:ufdup::pachaha:

I never once replied to you with a post longer than 5 lines :dead:


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
The fake outrage that creature had when it discovered it's camouflage was no longer working is why people can't stand these muthafukkas. I mean just look at this shyt -

Not until you rein in your men. The Coli's lawlessness is one of its good points. But when it get to a point like this, all gloves are off.

@2meo fukk you. My statement confirms what exactly? And what is wrong with bikini pics exactly? Why do you give a shyt? Your accusations seem so fukking solid shut that nothing otherwise would convince me that I'm not transsexual except a fukking DNA chart that shows my chromosomes. fukk you.

This nikka @The Electric Lady was vehemently denying that he was a man, and had the audacity to bring up a DNA test, muthafukka you got XY chromosomes like 99.999% of natural born men on this planet. The last thing you'd ever want is to see that cold hard truth that nature itself views you as a man and no amount of nip, tuck and chemicals you put in your body will give you those XX chromosomes 99.999% of natural women are born with.

I'm fukking :dead: off the fact this nikka was arguing with @Elle Driver about women's issue, the fukking balls.......


Resting in Peace
Apr 30, 2012
SOHH Icey HawkSet ByrdGang
The fake outrage that creature had when it discovered it's camouflage was no longer working is why people can't stand these muthafukkas. I mean just look at this shyt -

This nikka @The Electric Lady was vehemently denying that he was a man, and had the audacity to bring up a DNA test, muthafukka you got XY chromosomes like 99.999% of natural born men on this planet. The last thing you'd ever want is to see that cold hard truth that nature itself views you as a man and no amount of nip, tuck and chemicals you put in your body will give you those XX chromosomes 99.999% of natural women are born with.

I'm fukking :dead: off the fact this nikka was arguing with @Elle Driver about women's issue, the fukking balls.......

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