SOHH we ain't gon talk about TSC harboring and enabling trannies?

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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
It's especially weird seeing her in the Street Harassment thread speaking from a "woman's perspective". Are people really catcalling trannies in the street like that? :scust:
That's a good point. Transsexuals can't speak from a woman or a man's perspective. They can, however, speak from a transsexual's perspective. That perspective needs to be heard.

Pretending to be a chick (or a dude, for the F-to-Ms) ain't it, though.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
If this shyt keeps up, the Coli gonna need to photoshop the gender symbols together .

Should have already been done. It's a big world, and there are many identities beyond straight male and straight female. People would be allowed to cook, as they are. And simps would still simp.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
Obviously it was constantly on the front page so I read it, what makes you comment an article you read online? what makes you comment on something you saw on twitter? what makes you comment on a thread about anything? That's a stupid question and its stupid assume that something "hit close to home" when the only thing that does that for me is outright stupidity

Now I answered, what kind of straight man that "doesn't give a fukk about fakkits hurr" goes to these lengths to make transsexuals a topic of discussion? What kind of straight man gets as angry as you are right now over the existence of a transsexual on a message board? Not a straight man at all if you ask me

I can't co-sign half of Charmander's posts, because he's way too emotionally invested in the outing of transsexuals. However, it's obvious what type of straight man gets angry over the existence of a transsexual who presents itself as a straight female who is ready for sex. That doesn't make the straight man a gay man or a bisexual man, even though that's what the trolling in the transsexual community group was outed for. Nobody can be cool with that: entrapment is always bullshyt. 'Oh, you thought I was a female, but I have a dikk, hahahahahaha'

That kind of sexual entrapment is cruel, and the place it stems from is worse than not wanting to have anything to do with transsexuals in the first place.

Too many trannies seem to be operating on that Sidney Starr 'I seek validation by entrapping and fooling straight men' bullshyt tip.

I read the thread, and though folks were skeeved out by Electric Lady being a dude, nobody was really checking for him like that because all they really cared about was his wrestling opinions. That's how it should be. Electric Lady then got completely freaked out by the use of the pronoun 'it' and started calling people nazis (??!), instead of wanting to stay and be a positive example. Electric Lady didn't seem to realize that, after the initial shock, nobody would really give a damn as long as they came correct on the one hand and continued to post piff wrestling opinions on the other.

Electric Lady apparently couldn't deal with straight men not wanting to fukk him or accept him as a pair of sexually available t*ts and ass, and that's why he probably really 'left'. When your identity is ultimately bound up in how others sexually desire you, your head is fukked up. That's just the long and short of it.

So, yeah, it's easy to understand why Charmander would freak out. He wants black and white sexual/gender identities. I think that's stupid as well, though. That's not the world we live in anymore, and he really shouldn't be scoping for p*ssy (or bussy) on a message board in the first place. That makes him look lame.

Can't wait for the new gender selections, which should come out of all this (mods, hint hint).


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
That's worse than being a transsexual. :yeshrug: Belong to a sex cult which demonizes black skin, y'all.

You are refering to the LDS (Latter Day Saints) and even then you don't fully know what you are talking about.
I am not LDS, I'm puriest fundamentalist.

We believe what Joseph Smith believed.
That if god wants something from me then he will tell me himself or via a celestial entity such as an angel, not a person.

Therefore Popes, Preachers, priests, bishops, cardinals... they are all charlatons in our eyes. We don't follow the whims of men.
In accordance with that, we don't even believe what Joseph Smith or any of the LDS prophets taught. Most of what Joseph Smith said was sanitized from what he thought anyway to prevent himself from being hung.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
You are refering to the LDS (Latter Day Saints) and even then you don't fully know what you are talking about.
I am not LDS, I'm puriest fundamentalist.

We believe what Joseph Smith believed.
That if god wants something from me then he will tell me himself or via a celestial entity such as an angel, not a person.

Therefore Popes, Preachers, priests, bishops, cardinals... they are all charlatons in our eyes. We don't follow the whims of men.
In accordance with that, we don't even believe what Joseph Smith or any of the LDS prophets taught. Most of what Joseph Smith said was sanitized from what he thought anyway to prevent himself from being hung.

Purist fundamentalist Mormon? Like on that 'Missouri is the Biblical Eden of the Christians', 'The United States Government must be overthrown' and 'polygamy is an old man's game to keep women, the younger the better, and toss young men to the wolves/desert them' tip? That Purist Fundamentalist Mormon shyt?

Joseph Smith was a charlatan on the same level as L. Ron Hubbard, Wallace Fard and Oral Roberts (I'd mention Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and David Koresh, but those three actually believed the crack they were smoking). Hating on Roman Catholicism was easy, because everyone was doing it. Joe Smith sold snake oil, and changed up the recipe depending on what winds were blowing in popular politics.

See also: the bullshyt Egyptology translations, and his plagiarisms from a book of poorly sold fiction him and a friend had put out earlier. L. Ron looked at what Joe Smith wroth, and figured he could do him one better using the same basic blueprint. Ta daa.

You can't believe in what Joe Smith believed in, because he believed in nothing except commanding the rubes on some human Sandking trip. And when he died, it was his own damned fault. If I remember correctly, he stayed instigating, because he was so sure that his buddies would get him out of the bind he put himself in with his bullshyt -- just like they had before. They came too late. So his buddies really revved up the 'US Government is going to pay' bullshyt among the idiots, post-mortem.

So, unless you mean 'purist fundamentalist Mormon' as a synomym for 'old school troll'.....:yeshrug:
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I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Purist fundamentalist Mormon? Like on that 'Missouri is the Biblical Eden of the Christians', 'The United States Government must be overthrown' and 'polygamy is an old man's game to keep women, the younger the better, and toss young men to the wolves/desert them' tip? That Purist Fundamentalist Mormon shyt?

Joseph Smith was a charlatan on the same level as L. Ron Hubbard, Wallace Fard and Oral Roberts (I'd mention Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite and David Koresh, but those three actually believed the crack they were smoking). Hating on Roman Catholicism was easy, because everyone was doing it. Joe Smith sold snake oil, and changed up the recipe depending on what winds were blowing in popular politics.

See also: the bullshyt Egyptology translations, and his plagiarisms from a book of poorly sold fiction him and a friend had put out earlier. L. Ron looked at what Joe Smith wroth, and figured he could do him one better using the same basic blueprint. Ta daa.

You can't believe in what Joe Smith believed in, because he believed in nothing except commanding the rubes on some human Sandking trip. And when he died, it was his own damned fault. If I remember correctly, he stayed instigating, because he was so sure that his buddies would get him out of the bind he put himself in with his bullshyt -- just like they had before. They came too late. So his buddies really revved up the 'US Government is going to pay' bullshyt among the idiots, post-mortem.

So, unless you mean 'purist fundamentalist Mormon' as a synomym for 'old school troll'.....:yeshrug:

You are trying to force an arguement where there is none.
You are just repeating what I already said. Joseph Smith did not believe most of what he taught.
I already explained, quite clearly... I don't follow the teachings of anyone, Mormon prophets included.

Just to clarify though, you have a lot of different snippets from many things you have run across jumbled together there.

Its almost like if you told me you were Christian, so I accused you of molesting kids, not celebrating christmas, handling snakes, and crucifyig jesus. Those are all stigmas of very different sects of christianity that have very little to do with one-another. Some of what you are talking about comes from Brigham Young and Joseph Smith Jr. not Joseph Smith, and some of it is further down the line than that. Some of those things you are referring to are from the Latter Day Saints, some from non-puriests (Fundamentalists) some seems to have no basis in the religion at all but you may be confusing it with Amish tradition or puritanism in general, or who knows. And some seems to be simply be pulled from Fox News, or maybe Big Love or something.

I think this is a case of you tryna cram everything you know about a subject into one breath. I believe the articles or documentaries or shows you got that stuff from had a point or were going somewhere, I don't dispute that.
But at this point you are just regurgitating things. Tag me in a religion thread if you genuinely want information or discussion, but I won't engage you here as I do question your sincerity to learn versus merely being combative.

If you are actually interested, I mean No offense.
Its just your post seems like the type of thing a contrarian would post as opposed to someone genuine. Or, send me a PM. Then I know its not an attention thing.
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Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Backlash for lying isn't right, but fine as it goes. Banning for lying about your gender when people would wrongly castigate you for it otherwise is not.

There's 100% no moral obligation to inform people for gender status or sexual preference. That's nonsense. Mods shouldn't ban people because they happen to be gay, or straight, or a tranny, whatever. That's wrong.

Yeah, I couldn't really cosign that.
If the individual had been soliciting crotch shots and actively flirting openly I could understand.
Far as I know, said individual didn't entertain any advances nor pursue any male on the board.
Just came off like guys were upset simply because the individual was transgendered.
I don't agree with the things that were said on the way out, but I really don't blame them for blowing up over it.
If guys want to be upset with anyone, it should be Fisher and his league of booty bandits who were making a conscious effort to drop transsexuals out in the open under the guise of being women only to hit the board with a "Gotcha!" when they exposed their "hard cocks."
That shyt was depraved and all involved should be negged on sight if they ever have the gall to pop back up.
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