Software Development and Programming Careers (Official Discussion Thread)


Ohio to California
May 10, 2012
Long Beach, CA
Sorry that I haven't post here in a minute. Been busy with working from home and finishing up my data science/machine learning class on Udemy. I'm getting ready to start updating my resume and start applying for jobs again. Are there any data analyst/scientist in here? How should I enter the stuff I learn on Udemy on my resume(pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, Python and SQL)? Do hiring managers usually ask for a portfolio when you interview for a job? If so, should I go to Kaggle and download some spreadsheet and mess around with the data? What is the best way to get a job without any data analyst experience? I have 14 years of working experience working at various banks so I figure my best entry would be in the financial sector. I just ready for a change and want to do something that has a better future than what I'm doing now. Don't feel that I'm going anywhere with my current job and I have no desire to go into management so I need to find an alternative option with will challenge me, give me better pay and more desirable skills so that I can be in demand if I want to bounce for somewhere else down the line. I've been studying Python and SQL for over a year and I ready to to get my ass out of my current situation with my job, pandemic or not.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Starting my journey to become a software developper. I have no it bachelors degree (just in psychology). I have been learning css html Javascript and java on code academy. Reading through all the threads now. Is it still best to look for a help desk job starting off, or am I confused? Also is code academy the best platform for me to use. I have absolutely no experience

Ski Mask

Friendzone: Collection 1
Jan 10, 2013
Starting my side journey of learning web development with python. currently watching the automate the boring stuff udemy course and a youtube video by freecodecamp, is their anything else you guys would recommend I start with as Im completely new to programming? also which other languages should I learn for back end development?

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
Starting my side journey of learning web development with python. currently watching the automate the boring stuff udemy course and a youtube video by freecodecamp, is their anything else you guys would recommend I start with as Im completely new to programming? also which other languages should I learn for back end development?
Corey Schafer on Youtube is the holy grail when it comes to webdev in python. He IS the best python channel by a mile.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017

comments full of black people in tech talking about their experiences.

I dont like the way their redirect their frustrations towards black people though :francis:
I feel like many fail to understand that their older generations were never exposed to these things so of course no one was gonna take them seriously growing up wanting to play with computers.
The real elephant in the room most black people in tech like to tippy toe around is the multi-generational effects of racism and white supremacy that made most black household worse off and UNABLE to move forward educationally.
I mean think about it, in a poor black family the last thing anybody is thinking about is buying their child a computer to tinker with when they barely keep the lights on making minimum wage. Most families see sports scholarships as the only viable way to get out of poverty (understandably).

This got me thinking about myself. I didnt start learning how to turn on a computer and write a sentence in microsoft word until I was FOURTEEN (a teenager!), and that only happened because I got a chance to take a free Microsoft Office course for 3 months.
I didnt even touch a computer again after that until I was in college and had to work on it regularly for classes.
That was during the time I had to take my first programming course in Java. Most cacs, asians and Indians in that class had already done coding in their high schools :francis:
I didnt even write a single line of code after that grueling semester until 7 years later when I accidentally discovered coding again through a graduate course, it was a wrap from that day on. I been coding circles around cac coworkers and bruising their egos like my life depends on it :wow:

The saddest thing about it is that this story of lack of exposure is not unique to just me, almost every black child who doesnt come from a middle class family has a similar one.
I think its unfair for us to shyt on other black people for not understanding us or not encouraging those dreams of being in tech when they clearly didnt know any better :mjcry:


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Starting my journey to become a software developper. I have no it bachelors degree (just in psychology). I have been learning css html Javascript and java on code academy. Reading through all the threads now. Is it still best to look for a help desk job starting off, or am I confused? Also is code academy the best platform for me to use. I have absolutely no experience

Starting my side journey of learning web development with python. currently watching the automate the boring stuff udemy course and a youtube video by freecodecamp, is their anything else you guys would recommend I start with as Im completely new to programming? also which other languages should I learn for back end development?

CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

Its free to "audit" you get the whole course still, just no certificate unless you pay.

The dude is really really good at holding your hand through stuff. Currently doing it myself.

I'm currently in Help Desk trying to get out of it, so its not the worst place to start. It gives you some creds because you are in the Tech industry at that point.

You could even end up automating somethings on the job with Python and Powershell and move up that way.

But a Help Desk position is a good foot in the door. Not needed though, I'm sure folks have skipped it entirely.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016

comments full of black people in tech talking about their experiences.

I dont like the way their redirect their frustrations towards black people though :francis:
I feel like many fail to understand that their older generations were never exposed to these things so of course no one was gonna take them seriously growing up wanting to play with computers.
The real elephant in the room most black people in tech like to tippy toe around is the multi-generational effects of racism and white supremacy that made most black household worse off and UNABLE to move forward educationally.
I mean think about it, in a poor black family the last thing anybody is thinking about is buying their child a computer to tinker with when they barely keep the lights on making minimum wage. Most families see sports scholarships as the only viable way to get out of poverty (understandably).

This got me thinking about myself. I didnt start learning how to turn on a computer and write a sentence in microsoft word until I was FOURTEEN (a teenager!), and that only happened because I got a chance to take a free Microsoft Office course for 3 months.
I didnt even touch a computer again after that until I was in college and had to work on it regularly for classes.
That was during the time I had to take my first programming course in Java. Most cacs, asians and Indians in that class had already done coding in their high schools :francis:
I didnt even write a single line of code after that grueling semester until 7 years later when I accidentally discovered coding again through a graduate course, it was a wrap from that day on. I been coding circles around cac coworkers and bruising their egos like my life depends on it :wow:

The saddest thing about it is that this story of lack of exposure is not unique to just me, almost every black child who doesnt come from a middle class family has a similar one.
I think its unfair for us to shyt on other black people for not understanding us or not encouraging those dreams of being in tech when they clearly didnt know any better :mjcry:

I had a computer just for doing homework assignments in Word. I was the guy people came to for help when they downloaded viruses and crap. Or my internet was slow, because my mom was like fuucck that lol.

I learned on my own how to organize files, download and install things, etc etc.

But programming? I didn't even know about it and when I did I just assumed I was too stupid to learn. Math teachers treated me like shyt because I asked too many questions :francis:

By high school, only class I knew of for computers was Intro to Web Design. I didn't take it seriously and I barely passed the class.

Had a Black teacher too, one of the few, I look back now like :snoop:

But I had no faith in myself.

Now I'm age 30, taking the Harvard CS50 course and taking a Udemy course on Unity/C# :pachaha:

If they do shyt on other Black folk, then they have no knowledge of self :francis:

I speak to an Elder Black woman often, and she learned programming back on PUNCH CARDS breh.

She was laughed at by HP (Hewett-Packard and Lukens Steel) trying to get a job after.

The place she did get a job at kept asking "Who is the negro?" :francis:

She was soo happy to hear that I'm going to give it a go myself:wow:

You gotta carry the dream, forget the cacs and other Black folk in the way.

If I'm ever in a position to teach others, I'm going to do it, because this is a skill that can change a person's whole life by the money and the potential of creation :whew:

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

Its free to "audit" you get the whole course still, just no certificate unless you pay.

The dude is really really good at holding your hand through stuff. Currently doing it myself.

I'm currently in Help Desk trying to get out of it, so its not the worst place to start. It gives you some creds because you are in the Tech industry at that point.

You could even end up automating somethings on the job with Python and Powershell and move up that way.

But a Help Desk position is a good foot in the door. Not needed though, I'm sure folks have skipped it entirely.

The algorithms of life.

Last edited:


Dec 15, 2019
What's a good book for c and c++

Just take a course, it will be faster to learn.

If you already have skill and experience in another language then just read the documentation to get familiar with syntax and language constructs....then start using it to build whatever u want while googling for help when stuck. Thats the quickest way if u already can code in another language

gentlemen, can we compromise?:jbhmm: It’s often helpful to run through the syllabus of actual brick and mortar college courses to find textbooks, study guides, and notes all in one place. My undergrad used “c++ for everyone” and it’s pretty thorough. They gave it to all elecEng + compEng freshmen as a primer for future hardware work. I believe there are several walkthroughs available online of the exercises within the book.

Also, here’s the sauce if you still looking around for a good foundation, @YOGEBEAR09 . The Direct link is http://roneducate.weebly (dot-com)/uploads/6/2/3/8/6238184/c_for_everyone_2nd_edition_horstmann_wiley_plus_textbook.pdf

Just substitute the obvious web formatting into the parenthesis and you should be good to go. :myman:

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
gentlemen, can we compromise?:jbhmm: It’s often helpful to run through the syllabus of actual brick and mortar college courses to find textbooks, study guides, and notes all in one place. My undergrad used “c++ for everyone” and it’s pretty thorough. They gave it to all elecEng + compEng freshmen as a primer for future hardware work. I believe there are several walkthroughs available online of the exercises within the book.

Also, here’s the sauce if you still looking around for a good foundation, @YOGEBEAR09 . The Direct link is http://roneducate.weebly (dot-com)/uploads/6/2/3/8/6238184/c_for_everyone_2nd_edition_horstmann_wiley_plus_textbook.pdf

Just substitute the obvious web formatting into the parenthesis and you should be good to go. :myman:
I raise you this for C. I have not see any resource better than these notes for C programming. I swear by these: Notes on Data Structures and Programming Techniques (CPSC 223, Spring 2018)

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Gents, a word, if you don't mind.

I'm going through this book, Concrete Abstractions, and already I'm stuck on a problem.

Find two integers such that applying f to them will produce 16 as the value, given that f is defined as follows:
(define f
  (lambda (x y)
    (if (even? x)
        (* x y))))


I figure I have to apply the function, nested, a few times. At least can someone tell me if I'm going in the right direction.

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
Gents, a word, if you don't mind.

I'm going through this book, Concrete Abstractions, and already I'm stuck on a problem.


I figure I have to apply the function, nested, a few times. At least can someone tell me if I'm going in the right direction.
Is that 7 * x * y = 16 if x is even?