Quarantine got me bored/motivated so figured I'd learn something new in the middle of studying for the A+ cert. Been messing with html this week. Not too advanced but at a high beginner level I would say. I see theres some semantic html thing which is the next thing I wanna learn. I'm not much of a coding guy but figure I might as well learn a bit and open up some more doors or opportunities when the quarantine ends. I hear that CSS comes after html so hopefully I can do that and then Java. My goal is Python and I've messed around with it and its definitely advanced. I think the issue is, and its one that I keep reading about, is getting past the initial training that seems uninteresting. Once I get past that hurdle, maybe it'll get better. I want to learn the other languages first to work my way up. HTML is so easy even tho anything may seem difficult at first but taking the time and dedicating should make it go smoother. I got the basics down and can do many things including add surveys on the page. Good thing about programming is there are plenty of resources online and if I get stuck I can look at some notes I copied down or one of the sites. Sometimes it just takes nothing but taking my time and calmly double checking everything. Like earlier I wanted to have a link to another part of my page and I had done it before but this section wasnt working. After constantly checking and wondering what went wrong I realized that I was missing a character in the code and thats why it didnt work. Just gotta keep analyzing things and looking for small details to see what might be wrong. Hopefully now I can learn more about making websites more presentable. I already know how to add pictures and links, but who knows what I can do from here. Want to learn how to build polls and see results, and who knows what else. Its interesting because I can look at the source code of a page like this one and even tho most of it is in a foreign language, I can look thru and see tags that I'm already familiar with.